Romans 10:17, "So faith comes from hearing, that is hearing the Good news about Christ." (NLT)
Active faith will require a conscious decision on our part to make sure that we are listening to the right source of information. Our world is full of mis-information as well as it is full of the correct information. The enemy of our soul seeks to interfere with our faith through filling our mind and spirit with incorrect information that will take us away from God rather than drawing us closer to God. My response to these attempts of satan will lead me to victory in Christ or they will lead me to defeat. I want my soul to win the battle rather than lose the battle.The choice is literally in my hands as I choose to listen to the Good News or I choose to ignore the Good News. Which choice will I make today? Each of us are faced with that decision on a personal basis. No other person can make that decision for us and neither will God force us to make that decision. I must willfully make the right choice and allow the Spirit to place the Word of God into my heart in such a manner that I refuse to turn back or turn away from my walk with Christ. Was it not Joshua who said, "that as for me and my house we will choose (emphasis added) to serve the Lord." What choice have you made and what choice are you making on a daily basis?
Testimony: I witnessed people make choices in service yesterday. They had to decide whether they would listen to information or mis-information. It is not always easy to discern the choice between truth and lies. Even Jesus said that the wolves would be dressed in sheep's clothing. But just remember that the wolf is still a wolf no matter how impressive and convincing his costume appears. We must hear and respond to the Voice of Truth and understand that it is the "Truth" that will set us free. I witnessed a young man who heard the "Truth" declare that his sins could be forgiven. I witnessed a lady hear the "Truth" say that the battle was not hers but the battle was the Lord's. I witnessed a husband and wife hear the "Truth" say that God was aware of their heartfelt concerns over a situation in their lives. I witnessed a young man hear the "Truth"remind him that he would not be alone as he begins his basic training later this week. The "Truth" still speaks loud and clear even in the midst of all of the noises coming from the wolves of this culture.
Each of us need to make sure that we are listening to the Voice of the Chief Shepherd!!
Good word, Bishop. Thank you for your ministry in the harvest.
Sylvester Smith