Monday, July 27, 2015


Hebrews 12:1, "Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us," (NKJV)

I have been contemplating my personal "race of life" in the past few weeks. Each of us are involved in that race and we need to refocus on the finish line and be committed to running the race course that God has laid out for us. I desire to finish well, cross the finish line and hear the Lord say, "Well done, good and faithful servant."

God has provided encouragement for us during our journey. I reminded the New River congregation on Sunday that we are not alone. Christ has promised to be with us but the Word of God has also strategically placed fellow travelers to assist us in our journey. But I also believe that we have to watch carefully so that we will not miss those times of encouragement. 

The world is full of situations that can bring heartache, sadness, discouragement and even some disillusionment but the Spirit counteracts those moments with divine encounters that produce strength for the journey. God has shared with me this revelation of strength in several distinct encounters over the past few days. I am not a person who believes in "happen-chance" situations. I believe in encounters that have divinely arranged. 

Two (2) of these divine appointments have been with "senior" Ministers. One of these would be my Dad (89) who has been very ill for the past several days. The other is a Minister who turned 90 this past Friday. Both of these men have testified to me of the faithfulness of God and His ability to answer prayers that they prayed. Did I fail to mention that both of these men are presently in the hospital facing serious health issues? 


Thursday, July 23, 2015


Matthew 19:14, " But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” (NKJV)

I would like to take a moment of your time and share something that I sensed as I read these words of Jesus this morning. I quickly understood that these words of Jesus would correlate and connect with a portion of my Prayer time this morning. I am still amazed at God as He places all the pieces of the puzzle in the right place even after all of these years of serving God. You would think that an "experienced Christian" (LOL) such as I would have learned better by now. But there are times that God still works in mysterious ways in our lives.

I reached a point in my time of Prayer this morning that I felt God leading me into a specific time of intercession for our nation. It seems that America is divided in so many ways today. We are divided in the area of politics. We are divided in the area of economic ideology. We are divided through racial and ethnic identities. We are divided concerning the understanding of gender identity. And the "church" (I am using that term with a broad paint brush) is even divided over issues of morality and our lifestyles as Christians.

But this scripture reminded me of something this morning that needs to be identified and declared. These words of Jesus remind us that EVERY INDIVIDUAL IS IMPORTANT TO GOD. This importance includes those we agree with as well as those we disagree with. John 3:16 still teaches that Jesus loved and died for the "world." As for me, I am praying for another Great Awakening to happen in our nation. 

The Spirit reminded me this morning that God will step across the boundaries of any and all divisions to redeem people from the snare of sin. The Spirit of God can break through any division that man or satan has erected. The Spirit of God can break down any wall or any religious ideology that has separated man from God. We must continue to look to God for His guidance, His direction and His anointing as we wage spiritual warfare against the enemies of darkness.

Let us continue to persevere in PRAYER for the Salvation of Mankind. Divisions can fall through the power of Jesus Christ!!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Moment of Reflection

Romans 13:7, "Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor." (NKJV) (Emphasis Added)

A few days ago we celebrated the 4th of July. Many of us chose to celebrate our freedom and honor those who have served in the Armed Forces or who are presently serving in the Armed Forces. I am the son of a WWII veteran and I serve in a church body that has a direct connection with Fort Knox as well as many veterans who attend our local community of believers. We took time to honor and remember them as well as time to honor our nation and the freedoms that we enjoy.

But much has happened in the past few weeks that have served as a reminder that not everyone honors our Armed Forces and not everyone appreciates the freedoms that we enjoy in America. The tragedies in Charleston, SC and Chattanooga, TN serve to remind us that evil, hatred, disrespect, and destruction exist in our society. BUT IT MUST NOT STOP US FROM APPRECIATING OUR FREEDOMS AND HONOR THOSE WHO SERVE TO DEFEND THOSE FREEDOMS. As a matter of fact, I believe that the actions of the perpetrators of these crimes should spur us to be even more adamant in the defense of our nation as well as the respect and honor that we should offer to those who serve among us. I also believe that this "honor" should be extended to those FIRST RESPONDERS who place their lives on the line on a daily basis so that we can enjoy the above mentioned freedoms.

I would like to share a portion of the thoughts that I shared with New River on Sunday, July 5th.

"We have gathered in this room for at least two (2) specific purposes.   One of them is to thank God for the freedom that we enjoy as Americans and also to remember those brave men and women who have served in the military to preserve that freedom. We are also gathered here today to celebrate the freedom that comes from knowing Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.   Both of these celebrations and remembrances are very important although for different reasons.   We must also remember that there are enemies who seek to destroy our nation and the freedoms that we enjoy and sometimes even take for granted.   BUT there is also a spiritual enemy that seeks to destroy the freedom that we enjoy through our relationship with Jesus Christ.   Rest assured that we must be vigilant on both of these fronts and we must remember those who are serving in the Armed Forces today and we must be willing to intercede for our brothers and sisters in Christ.   I can hear the sounds of war and I can see the effects of war in both of these war zones but Paul’s letter to the Colossians reminds us that EVERYTHING WE NEED IS FOUND IN CHRIST!!   Hidden in Christ are all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.   Is it any wonder that Christ and His Kingdom are under such a blatant attack by the forces of darkness?"

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Thinking About Jesus

John 3:16-17, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. 17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved." (NKJV)

Two separate situations placed some thoughts in my mind this morning. The first challenge to think was our time of study last night during a discipleship class. We talked about the fact that God has an individual plan for each of our lives. That individual plan will fall into the parameters of our participation in the Kingdom of God. The second reminder came to me as I was reading one of my devotions this morning. I was reminded through this devotional that Jesus Christ came to this Earth with a designed plan for His life. The passage from John 3 sheds some light on that plan and purpose for the life of Jesus Christ on planet Earth.

But this question came into my mind as I thought about Jesus and His time on Earth. Have I completely "bought into" that plan and fully realized the far-reaching effect of that plan? Am I doing my best to invest my life in that plan through active participation with Him and the purpose of His Kingdom? 

The world around is changing quicker than we realize. The "old news" of yesterday is being replaced by the challenges of today. We are witnessing the effects of sin, wickedness, evil, hatred, bigotry, etc. on a daily basis. How am I responding to these events that are grabbing the headlines on a daily basis? Am I "thinking about Jesus" when I plan my response to these sinful activities? Am I "thinking about Jesus" when my emotions rise up in me when I see the moral and spiritual standards of our world under such attack? Instead of "thinking about Jesus" am I spending much of my thinking time "thinking about me and my desires?" 

I understand that these events going on around us bring hurt, worry, fear, frustration, anxiety, stress, concern, etc. But we must realize that Jesus Christ is for us and not against us. As Christians we must remain connected with and committed to the message of the Gospel. Jesus Christ came to seek and save the lost. He has called me (us) to join Him in that work and I need to be faithful in fulfilling that purpose and plan. 

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Personal Accountability

Romans 14:12, "Yes, each of us will give a personal account to God." (NLT)

I understand that this passage of scripture is taken from the portion of the Apostle Paul's letter in which he is writing about the "judgment seat of Christ." But I do think that it can also serve as a reminder to take personal accountability for my actions, my reactions, my decisions, my attitude toward my fellow believers, etc. I truly believe that the Spirit raised up this passage in my heart during prayer this morning and I feel led to share these thoughts with you.

I believe that this passage of instruction needs to be read in the light of the conditions of the world. It appears that some believers are constantly overwhelmed at the actions or lack thereof of other believers and yes, even non-believers. I face some of those same emotions from my perspective as a Pastor. I also can become frustrated, disappointed and even aggravated (OUCH!!) at the way other people conduct their walk with Christ. I have found myself very disappointed at times almost to the point of saying; "What good am I doing in trying to help people identify with serving Jesus Christ." There are pews and chairs in houses of Worship that are empty all across America on any given Sunday due to the failure of people to keep the promises that they have made to God. BUT there are also pews and chairs full of people who have a desire to serve God and to please Him on their journey through life.

As a believer I can become overwhelmed and discouraged through each of these scenarios that I just described. But I must remember that I can not control the decisions of others either good or bad. I can not make the choices for others either good or bad. I can not choose the path of life for them to follow. 

BUT I CAN MAKE THE DECISION TO TAKE "PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY" FOR MY LIFE AND LIVE IT FOR CHRIST TO THE BEST OF MY ABILITY. I must stop looking at others. I must stop waiting on others. I must make sure that I am choosing the right people to influence me but I must also realize their influence can only take me so far on my journey. I HAVE TO MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE TO FOLLOW CHRIST!! No one else can pick up my cross and follow Jesus for me. That choice is mine and mine only to make. We must STOP looking around at everyone else and decide that WE are going to be faithful in our walk with Christ. 

Friday, July 10, 2015

Light vs. Darkness

John 1:4-5, " In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. (NIV)

The present day church is certainly facing a spiritual enemy who is seeking to overwhelm our world with darkness. We hear much being said about "cyber attacks" but very little being said about "spiritual attacks." I believe that the faith of the modern day Christian is under a great attack and the encroachment of darkness upon our lives is one of the approaches that satan is using. I identify this attack as a husband, father, grandfather, Christian, Minister as well as a Pastor. The phone calls, the text messages, the emails I receive as well as the personal interactions that I have with people confirm that my "revelation" is true.

But as Christians we can not afford to live in despair. Jesus is still the Light of the world. Jesus still overcomes the power of darkness. Let us read again the words recorded in John 1:5, "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." That is a promise that we can count on as we walk through these challenging times. I certainly understand the concerns that each of us have as we think about the moral and spiritual landscape of our nation. 

I believe that we must do more than just identify the darkness. We must pursue the Light. How do you dispel the darkness that may fill a room or a house? You pursue the light (you look for the light switch)! The Light (Jesus Christ) has not abandoned the world and He has certainly not abandoned the people of God. We can read about the moving of the Spirit in various locations around the world. God is still at work in the midst of the darkness. Take hope, O family of God, all is not lost. We can lift our voices in hope, trust and faith that the Light still defeats the power of darkness. Darkness is still overthrown and defeated through the power of the Light (Jesus Christ.)

John 8:12, "When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world.Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (NIV)

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Simple but Thought Provoking

These thoughts are taken from an email that I sent out this morning to those who were unable to worship with us last Sunday. I truly believe that this passage of scripture is full of "spiritual vitamins" that can and will add strength to our faith and courage to our walk with Christ. Would you take a moment and read this verse and allow the Spirit to "highlight" the portion of the passage that you need? 

Psalm 138:2, "I bow before your holy Temple as I worship. I praise your name for your unfailing love and faithfulness; for your promises are backed by all the honor of your name." (NLT)

I don't mind having my car repaired when I know that the warranty is going to cover the expense of the repair. You can even purchase an extended warranty that will cover your vehicle once the factory warranty expires. But eventually both of these warranties will expire. It is at that moment that the expense of repair is shifted back to your responsibility.

BUT ISN'T IT A BLESSING TO UNDERSTAND THAT THE PROMISES OF GOD ARE BACKED BY THE AUTHORITY AND HONOR OF GOD'S NAME? The warranty on His promises never expire or end. His truth endures to all generations.

God has positioned the Church in this world to serve as a teacher/encourager to the believers who attend each local fellowship. But we must take time to listen, discern and make application of the Word to our lives. 


Tuesday, July 7, 2015


I trust that you were able to enjoy the July 4th holiday without too much difficulty. Our nation was not only able to celebrate our "national birthday" but many of us chose to celebrate our freedom that we have in Jesus Christ. Our true freedom rests in our relationship with Jesus Christ. I was able to witness some fireworks with our family on Saturday night but I was also able to offer my own type of "fireworks" on Sunday morning. I went to church and lifted my voice of praise, thanksgiving, gratitude and thankfulness to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Jesus Christ signed my redemption papers as well as my adoption papers on the cross at Calvary. Now that date and time in history is worth celebrating (That is not meant in any manner to be disrespectful to our national celebration of freedom). On Sunday the New River congregation took the opportunity to celebrate the founding of our nation as well as those men and women who have served to preserve that freedom.  

I was able to spend a portion of the holiday weekend visiting my parents in Alabama. It is always a blessing to reconnect with my heritage in an up close and personal manner. I was able to reconnect with the Prayer Warriors that exists in my immediate family. On several occasions we stopped our activities to pray for the needs of others. We were able to discuss the Bible and the state of affairs that our nation is facing. My parents are in their 80's but their confidence in God remains strong. They have witnessed the Grace and Mercy of God not only in their lives but also in the lives of others. They are determined to finish their race well. They are running for the prize of eternal life and not just for the temporary prize of earthly gain and earthly rewards. They are still looking for the city whose maker is God. The short visit with them helped to rekindle those same desires in me. I want to run a faithful race and hear the Voice of the Lord welcome me home at the end of this journey.

I was also reminded that many people have needs in their lives that only God can meet. In the past few weeks it seems that I have heard from many people that have perplexing situations in their lives. These requests would be both in our local body of believers as well as outside our local fellowship. But I go to prayer on a daily basis realizing and believing that God is greater than them all. I am choosing to put my trust in God and look to Him in faith believing. I realize that our world appears to be in turmoil and despair but God still holds the answers for each of us if we would just be willing to listen for His Voice. 

Will we (I) choose to listen to the Voice of God today?

Thursday, July 2, 2015


Galatians 5:1, "Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage." (NKJV)

In a few days we will be celebrating what some people have called "America's birthday." There are other writers/historians who refer to July 4th as "Independence Day." We may disagree on an actual name for the July 4th date but it does not change the reason we will celebrate on Saturday. We will gather to celebrate our national freedom as well as our individual freedoms that were promised/guaranteed to each of us in the U.S. Constitution. 

I felt the need to remind us to not forget the true purpose of our July 4th celebration. We are to celebrate our freedom and to remember the great price of sacrifice that was made and paid on our behalf as a nation. It is easy to overlook and even forget the blessings of God as we walk through these challenging days as a nation. Let me quickly add this thought, "We can not afford to forget the blessings of God even as we face the challenges of the modern world." There is pressure from some elements in our society to "push God and His Word to the curb." There are those who claim that God is irrelevant to the understanding of modern day man. But I would encourage you to look past those "so called modern day prophets" and recognize the difficulty that awaits those who forget God.

July 4th is more than a paid holiday for some workers and overtime for other workers. July 4th is more than fireworks and loud noises. July 4th is more than outdoor bar-b-ques and picnics. July 4th is more than a trip to the nearest lake. July 4th is about remembering our freedom and recognizing those brave Americans who have fought and who are fighting to protect our freedoms at this very moment!! 

Which option will we choose? Will we choose to go the safe route of food, time off from work and fireworks? Or will we choose to take the higher ground of thankfulness, appreciation, respect and admiration for those who fought to preserve our freedoms. Let me add that I believe that it is possible to mix the two choices into one celebration. But let us emphasize the "higher ground" approach as we prepare to celebrate July 4th.

ACTION POINT: Find a veteran or an active duty soldier and shake their hand and thank him/her for their service. In my opinion that would be a great way to celebrate.