Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Moment of Reflection

Romans 13:7, "Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor." (NKJV) (Emphasis Added)

A few days ago we celebrated the 4th of July. Many of us chose to celebrate our freedom and honor those who have served in the Armed Forces or who are presently serving in the Armed Forces. I am the son of a WWII veteran and I serve in a church body that has a direct connection with Fort Knox as well as many veterans who attend our local community of believers. We took time to honor and remember them as well as time to honor our nation and the freedoms that we enjoy.

But much has happened in the past few weeks that have served as a reminder that not everyone honors our Armed Forces and not everyone appreciates the freedoms that we enjoy in America. The tragedies in Charleston, SC and Chattanooga, TN serve to remind us that evil, hatred, disrespect, and destruction exist in our society. BUT IT MUST NOT STOP US FROM APPRECIATING OUR FREEDOMS AND HONOR THOSE WHO SERVE TO DEFEND THOSE FREEDOMS. As a matter of fact, I believe that the actions of the perpetrators of these crimes should spur us to be even more adamant in the defense of our nation as well as the respect and honor that we should offer to those who serve among us. I also believe that this "honor" should be extended to those FIRST RESPONDERS who place their lives on the line on a daily basis so that we can enjoy the above mentioned freedoms.

I would like to share a portion of the thoughts that I shared with New River on Sunday, July 5th.

"We have gathered in this room for at least two (2) specific purposes.   One of them is to thank God for the freedom that we enjoy as Americans and also to remember those brave men and women who have served in the military to preserve that freedom. We are also gathered here today to celebrate the freedom that comes from knowing Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.   Both of these celebrations and remembrances are very important although for different reasons.   We must also remember that there are enemies who seek to destroy our nation and the freedoms that we enjoy and sometimes even take for granted.   BUT there is also a spiritual enemy that seeks to destroy the freedom that we enjoy through our relationship with Jesus Christ.   Rest assured that we must be vigilant on both of these fronts and we must remember those who are serving in the Armed Forces today and we must be willing to intercede for our brothers and sisters in Christ.   I can hear the sounds of war and I can see the effects of war in both of these war zones but Paul’s letter to the Colossians reminds us that EVERYTHING WE NEED IS FOUND IN CHRIST!!   Hidden in Christ are all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.   Is it any wonder that Christ and His Kingdom are under such a blatant attack by the forces of darkness?"

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