Thursday, July 23, 2015


Matthew 19:14, " But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” (NKJV)

I would like to take a moment of your time and share something that I sensed as I read these words of Jesus this morning. I quickly understood that these words of Jesus would correlate and connect with a portion of my Prayer time this morning. I am still amazed at God as He places all the pieces of the puzzle in the right place even after all of these years of serving God. You would think that an "experienced Christian" (LOL) such as I would have learned better by now. But there are times that God still works in mysterious ways in our lives.

I reached a point in my time of Prayer this morning that I felt God leading me into a specific time of intercession for our nation. It seems that America is divided in so many ways today. We are divided in the area of politics. We are divided in the area of economic ideology. We are divided through racial and ethnic identities. We are divided concerning the understanding of gender identity. And the "church" (I am using that term with a broad paint brush) is even divided over issues of morality and our lifestyles as Christians.

But this scripture reminded me of something this morning that needs to be identified and declared. These words of Jesus remind us that EVERY INDIVIDUAL IS IMPORTANT TO GOD. This importance includes those we agree with as well as those we disagree with. John 3:16 still teaches that Jesus loved and died for the "world." As for me, I am praying for another Great Awakening to happen in our nation. 

The Spirit reminded me this morning that God will step across the boundaries of any and all divisions to redeem people from the snare of sin. The Spirit of God can break through any division that man or satan has erected. The Spirit of God can break down any wall or any religious ideology that has separated man from God. We must continue to look to God for His guidance, His direction and His anointing as we wage spiritual warfare against the enemies of darkness.

Let us continue to persevere in PRAYER for the Salvation of Mankind. Divisions can fall through the power of Jesus Christ!!!

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