Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Tuesday's Thoughts

1 Peter 5:6-7: “Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.” (NKJV)

I had originally planned to share some post-Thanksgiving thoughts today but the Spirit would not given me the liberty to follow my plan. I am burdened this morning concerning the needs of so many people. I am reminded about these needs on a daily basis and the previous words are not meant to complain or cast any aspersions on the people that I engage in conversation. I consider myself an intercessor and intercessors are called and challenged to pray for the needs of others. I am thankful that God has given me the opportunity to pray for the needs of others. I am writing these words to remind each of you that the needs people are facing are real and the people facing these needs are real. Let me also add that many of these individuals enjoy a "healthy" relationship with Christ. 

But I also believe that the Spirit presented me with this "familiar" passage of scripture that renewed my hope and I believe the Word will be used to renew your hope in the midst of your daily challenges. Each of us need hope in some area of our life. Each of us are looking to God in some specific areas of our lives. Each of us have requests/needs that are very heavy on our heart day after day. I don't think that a heavy or concerned heart testifies that we don't have faith. I believe it testifies and reminds us that we are human beings and that we do not have the answer and that we are not able to solve the problem. 

DO NOT ALLOW THE FAMILIARITY OF THIS SCRIPTURE IN 1 PETER 5 KEEP YOU FROM HEARING THE POWERFUL PROMISE THAT GOD OFFERS US!!! He (God) reminds us and He (God) invites us to cast all of our cares upon Him. He even tells us the reason that that we can take this step of faith. HE CARES FOR YOU AND ME!!! 

Now it is my (your) responsibility to take the appropriate steps and take the appropriate actions by doing what God has invited us to do. I encourage you to join with me in bringing all of our cares/worries/anxieties/fears/battles/struggles/heartache/heartbreak/disillusionment/frustration/dis-appointment in ourselves as well as others/etc. and cast them upon Him. I feel better already and I am sure that you will feel that same sense of relief and strength.

PS: This post is dedicated to our special friend who is facing surgery tomorrow as well as any other individual who may be facing an unique challenge today or tomorrow. Blessings on all of you!!!

Monday, November 28, 2016

Cyber Monday Challenge

Colossians 2:6-7, As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving. (NKJV)

We have turned the calendar on Thanksgiving and we are moving full steam ahead toward Christmas. Although I must say that many of us have seen the "signs" of Christmas since September or October. It seems the modern American business culture is always prepared to offer us the best deal or the best price on the latest toy, technical gadget, style of clothes, new automobile, truck or SUV, etc. that humanity has ever seen. The sad part of my previous statement is in the fact that many of us will fall prey to this tactic because we believe that these "possessions" will either bring happiness to us or to someone that we love. And in some cases these deals are meant to cause both the purchaser of the gift as well as the recipient of the gift receive great pleasure and happiness from this purchase. But let's be honest with each other for a moment. Isn't it true that even the greatest measure of satisfaction is only temporary at its very best? Over a period of time and with the use of the gift or even the non-use of the gift the glitter and the glitz that accompanied the gift has soon disappeared.

Do not jump to any conclusion about this post before you read the full content. I am not the reincarnation of Mr. Scrooge. I share gifts with family and friends. I enjoy receiving gifts from my family and friends. I enjoy the "celebration" of Christmas but I am concerned how easily the meaning of Christmas is lost in all of the pretty paper, elegant decorations, wonderful sales and even the events of Christmas. 

It seems that each year we have to fight a little harder and pay even closer attention to our desire to keep the birth of Christ, the Savior of the world as the central theme of the celebration. Our schedules have already began to be filled with many events which are very wholesome and very enjoyable. I plan on enjoying these events but I realize that they will only provide me a temporary respite from the challenges of daily life. Life will continue after the food has been devoured. Life will continue once the smiles and laughter have subsided. Life will continue once the last guest has departed. And life will continue once the lights have been turned out. Let me add that I believe that God can use the above mentioned events as a "mental vacation" from the challenges of life. 

But the Apostle Paul reminded the Colossians that because they had received Christ they were given the opportunity to "walk in Him." Oh the joy of knowing that "we are in Christ and that Christ is in us." This is not just a temporary reprieve but it is an eternal promise. Enjoy your walk in Christ during the upcoming days of your life.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Thanksgiving Greetings

Today's blog post will be different. I am going to share the letter that I sent to our church family today. The Spirit dealt with my heart this week concerning the need to focus on the things that are important and not to allow the unimportant events of life to capture all of my time. Each of us consistently talk about how quickly our life is disappearing. A day soon becomes a week; a week becomes a month; a month becomes a year and the years soon become a life time. I want to recognize those "good" moments as well as those "God" moments that have taken place during my time on planet Earth. My life is passing quickly but I am truly thankful for all of those wonderful people that God has placed in my life. I trust the following words cause you to stop, think and take action concerning the blessings that have come from God!!

Good morning on this day before Thanksgiving!! 

Ann and I wanted to take this opportunity and use this means to let you know that you are in our thoughts and prayers today. You have played a significant role in our lives and we are truly thankful that God has allowed our paths of life to intersect with each other. We pray that God will bless and encourage you as you celebrate with your family and friends on Thursday
Ann is planning a wonderful meal for tomorrow and I am looking forward to that very much. But let me remind you that the food you eat will not be as important as the people who are present to share the meal with you. We need to remember the important things and that is a challenge in this modern day and time. Status, occupation, possessions, finances, and selfishness is very evident in today's modern culture. But all of that "stuff" (Bro. Kenny's word of reminder) is only temporary and will disappear quickly enough. But love for one another and love to one another will endure the trials, battles, struggles and challenges of life. Take a moment tomorrow, look around the room and thank God for the wonderful people that God has placed in your life. Many of those special people will not be able to share a meal with you but they are deeply embedded in your memory bank. Take a few minutes and travel down the road of your memories and allow God to encourage and strengthen you.  I understand that life has given us memories of difficult moments but life has also given us many wonderful memories in which our lives were enriched by those people that God had deposited in our journey through life.
I wanted to share a passage of scripture with you. This Word of God has been speaking to me for the past few days and I felt that it could more appropriately express the feelings that we have in our heart for you and the impact that you have made in our lives. These words come from a prayer of thanksgiving through the pen of the Apostle Paul.
Philippians 1:3-11,  Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God. Whenever I pray, I make my requests for all of you with joy,  for you have been my partners in spreading the Good News about Christ from the time you first heard it until now.  And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.  So it is right that I should feel as I do about all of you, for you have a special place in my heart. You share with me the special favor of God, both in my imprisonment and in defending and confirming the truth of the Good News.  God knows how much I love you and long for you with the tender compassion of Christ Jesus.  I pray that your love will overflow more and more, and that you will keep on growing in knowledge and understanding.  10 For I want you to understand what really matters, so that you may live pure and blameless lives until the day of Christ’s return.  11 May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation—the righteous character produced in your life by Jesus Christ—for this will bring much glory and praise to God. (NLT)

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Pre-Thanksgiving Scriptures

I truly enjoy sharing my heart with you through the various posts in which I share my thoughts, ideas, and inspiration. In many ways these moments of sharing open up a small window to what I sense God doing in my personal life. I truly desire to be a servant of God that maintains a desire to please God and a servant that continually seeks to learn more about the heart of the Master that I am serving. I am not offended at the word "Master" and the word "servant." I am truly THANKFUL that God has called me to serve Him and I am determined to offer my best to the Lord on a daily basis.

I feel led to share these scripture passages with you this morning. I truly believe that the Word of God will speak life to us and the Word of God will bring the revelation of Truth to our hearts. His Word will direct our steps and His Word will light our path. The Word of God will also cause us to remember those principles that the enemy seeks to erase and remove from our spiritual memory bank. Take a moment and ponder on these scriptures and ask the Spirit to reveal what God is desires to say to you today.

Philippians 4:4-7, "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (NIV)

Psalm 103:1-5, “Bless the Lord, O my soul; And all that is within me, bless His holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul, And forget not all His benefits: Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases, Who redeems your life from destruction, Who crowns you with loving kindness and tender mercies, Who satisfies your mouth with good things, So that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s. (NKJV)

Psalm 150:1-6, Praise the Lord! Praise God in His sanctuary; Praise Him in His mighty firmament! Praise Him for His mighty acts; Praise Him according to His excellent greatness! Praise Him with the sound of the trumpet; Praise Him with the lute and harp! Praise Him with the timbrel and dance; Praise Him with stringed instruments and flutes! Praise Him with loud cymbals; Praise Him with clashing cymbals! Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord!(NKJV)


Friday, November 18, 2016

Humor on Friday

Proverbs 17:22: A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.(NJKV)
Psalm 126:2-3, Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing: then said they among the heathen, The Lord hath done great things for them. The Lord hath done great things for us; whereof we are glad.(NKJV)
I believe this is the first time that I have made an intentional attempt to share some humor on this blog. I have been accused of being too serious on several occasions in my life and that I need to "loosen up" and relax. I will attempt that today via this blog. I really enjoy having fun and even laughing from time to time. I can remember times in my life that I truly needed what I have heard referenced as a "belly laugh." That term described a laugh that came from deep within our soul and it served as a temporary reprieve from the challenges of daily life. 
I truly sensed the Spirit dealing with my heart that someone today may need the "stress reliever" that a little humor may bring. The passages that I have shared today remind us of the importance to allow things that are merry and things that can bring laughter to our lives to play an important role in our lives. This is a very stressful world in which we live under daily pressures to succeed, to be productive at our job and to fulfill our responsibilities on a consistent basis. Let's face it; all of us need some "stress relief" from time to time. Here is my attempt to bring a smile to your face today. 
A dear sister in Christ who attends our local church shared this story with me a few days ago. You may have already read it or heard it but take a moment and allow your mind to drift away from your daily routine and allow yourselves a "laughter break."
A woman had just returned to her home from an evening of church services , when she was startled by an intruder. She caught the man in the act of robbing her home of its valuables and yelled: 'Stop! Acts 2:38!' (Repent and be Baptized, in the name of Jesus Christ , so that your sins may be forgiven.) The burglar stopped in his tracks. The woman calmly called the police and explained what she had done. As the officer cuffed the man to take him in, he asked the burglar: 'Why did you just stand there? All the old lady did was yell a scripture to you.' 'Scripture?' replied the burglar.. 'She said she had an Axe and Two 38s!' Send this to someone who needs a laugh today and remember: Knowing scripture can save your life - in more ways than one!


Thursday, November 17, 2016

Thoughts on Thursday

First, I want to share some thoughts of Adrian Rogers. I read them this morning in one of my devotional readings. They corelated with a discussion that we had in a Discipleship class last night. I wanted you to read Pastor Roger's insights and then I will share some of the conversation from last night. 

Proverbs 27:1, “Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.I read some research by psychologist William Morriston who reported that 94% of the 3,000 persons he surveyed were enduring today in order to get to tomorrow. Do you know anyone like that? Perhaps you are one of those. Tomorrow, you’re going on vacation. Tomorrow, you’re going to get the house cleaned. Tomorrow, you’re going to start your diet. Tomorrow, you’re going to balance your checkbook. Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow. The only problem is...tomorrow never arrives. When it gets here, it is today. And today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday. It is always today. Act accordingly!" (Adrian Rogers)

Our Christian Education Director recently concluded leading us in a study of the Book of Esther. We have been following up the study with times of discussion in which we talk about the application of truth to our individual lives. I believe the Bible only reaches its full effectiveness in our lives when we take the action of applying the truth to our lives. I believe that there are times that we allow the truth to "fall through the cracks" in our lives because we fail to live it out on a DAILY BASIS.

One of the students raised the possibility that we become so concerned with the future that we fail to take notice of today (I am paraphrasing her words but I do think that summarizes the thought that was presented to us.). Each of us have been so worried about tomorrow that we were ineffective in our daily walk of life. Fear, concern, worry, playing the "what if game" can bring a state of "paralysis" to our lives. Some of us live for all the "big moments" so much that we miss the daily opportunities that God places in front of us. This is not an "anti-planning" or an "anti-being prepared" blog. But it is my attempt to remind us that we can look so far down the road that we fail to enjoy the journey that God has directed for our lives. 

Yes, there was a time in which the purpose of Esther's life was revealed when she was able to stand in the gap for her people. BUT to reach that point she had to live her daily life to the best of her ability. Is it possible that the "great" days of our lives are the culmination of all of the faithful days that we have lived? In the Bible Cornelius was told that his "prayers had been heard and that his alms had been remembered in the sight of God." (Acts 10:31)


Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Thoughts on Tuesday

Philippians 4:6-7, Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.(NKJV)

I am thankful that God has provided us a "spiritual vehicle" that assists us in our navigation of the challenging times in which we are living. I am honest when I declare that I am very much concerned about the challenges that we are facing in America. There is such an undercurrent of "restlessness" in our nation. I am sure that many of the people who are experiencing this restlessness have what they surmise to be a "reasonable" explanation for their anxiety and they may even use this explanation to defend their actions or even their lack of action. I am not attempting to speak for them but I am writing today to speak for myself.

I am thankful that God has initiated the process that we call prayer and supplication. I will be honest and say that the enemy of our soul has done everything in his power to eliminate the understanding of prayer and supplication within the family of God. Many of us are familiar with the terms "Prayer Warriors or Intercessors." I define these brothers and sisters in Christ as individuals of various ages who feel a burden to pray for the needs of others. These are spiritual people who recognize the spiritual warfare that is taking place and they make a willful decision to engage our adversary through intercessory prayer and supplication. I personally know many of these individuals who are choosing this "lifestyle" of prayer because they recognize the victories that can be won through the intervention of the Lord God Almighty!!! 

I believe that during these times of prayer and supplication that God replaces our anxiousness, restlessness, fear, etc. with His "peace which surpasses all understanding." I understand and have identified some of the strategies of the enemy but I still believe that Christ is our Peace and that He is fully capable of bringing rest to this generation. I refuse to give up on the work of God being completed in this day and time in which we are living. I fully understand that there is a great battle between good and evil. I am not blind to this point of attack. I see it at work on a daily basis in America as a nation but I also see the effects in the lives of people that I am called to serve. 


Monday, November 14, 2016

Monday's Musings

1 Timothy 2:1-4, “Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.(NKJV)

The Apostle Paul shares some explicit instructions with the family of God. He purposefully points out to us some of the responsibilities that we shoulder as citizens of the country in which we live. We are to pray for our leaders regardless of our political persuasion or regardless of our political positions. We are called to pray so "that we may lead a quite and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence." I would like to encourage you as well as our fellow citizens to read that line from the Bible one more time!!! 

You may want to call me "ole-fashioned" or "narrow minded" or a "Bible thumper" and you may even have to offer me your forgiveness or at least your understanding BUT I still believe that the Word of God contains the answers that we need. As a matter of fact I still believe that Jesus Christ is the Answer to every decision that we face. He has been referenced in the Word of God as our Shepherd and I believe that He will continue to order, direct, and guide our steps as we continue to listen to His voice. Let me ask you one more question in reference to Jesus being our Shepherd. How many times have you heard or have you personally read the 23rd Psalm?

I believe that we need to seek God so that our nation is unified. Is our nation perfect? No, and that is an easy question to answer. But neither would our nation be perfect if the election had been decided in a different manner. Don't you think that it is time to lay aside the division, rancor, and any actions that are seeking to drive us apart rather than bring us together? We are facing both internal as well as external enemies who seek the destruction of America as we have known it. I am not calling for an action by Democrats or an action by Republicans. I am calling for an action of sincere prayer by all Americans. I am especially encouraging Christians to continue their prayers for our nation as well as for the spiritual awakening that is needed in our nation. I truly believe that God is waiting for the sincere, heartfelt prayers of His people to be offered up to Him. Will God hear your voice calling out to Him today? 

Mark 3:25, “And if a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.(NKJV) (Emphasis added)

Friday, November 11, 2016

Veterans Day

This past week has been referred to as a "historic" week in the history of our nation. The 45th President was elected in a stunning upset. The majority of pundits and prognosticators were wrong and Donald J. Trump was chosen to lead our nation. I was thankful for the opportunity to have been able to cast my vote as a reminder and symbol of my freedom as an American citizen. I was able to vote my conscience without any fear of retribution or any coercion by the government or some other political force. Wasn't it Lee Greenwood who sang these lyrics; "I am proud to be an American..."

This week also affords us another wonderful opportunity. We will celebrate Veterans Day on Friday, November 11th. In many ways these two "celebrations" are interconnected. I have always thought about these two events being connected each time that I have cast a vote even if the vote took place in a month other than November. Veterans Day allows us to focus on those men and women who have served the nation in our military. These individuals have served in both peace time as well as times of war. They have served bravely but also compassionately. They have stood strong against the various forces that have sought to destroy our nation and sought to destroy the freedom that we enjoy on a daily basis. Friday is our opportunity to say THANK YOU to those who have served our nation in honor and who have demonstrated the desire to protect the freedoms that we celebrate, I encourage you to make sure that you personally speak to a Veteran and let him/her know that they are honored, respected and appreciated. These valiant soldiers deserve our appreciation and they deserve the honor and praise that they will receive on their special day of recognition.

This Veterans Day is also unique from a personal perspective. Today is the first Veterans Day since the passing of my Dad seven (7) months ago. His family was blessed that he lived one week past his 90th birthday, He was a World War II veteran who served in the European theater of action. Our Dad, Wallace E. Willingham served in Company B, of the 347th Infantry, in the 87th Infantry Division of the 3rd Army. The 3rd Army was under the command of General George Patton. Dad was in combat action at the Battle of the Bulge, the crossing of the Rhine River (under the cover of darkness on his 19th birthday) the Siegfreid Lines, etc. I am very proud to be a son of this Army Veteran who loved God, who loved his family and who loved this nation. He won several awards; Bronze Star Medal, Combat Infantry Mans Badge, Presidential Citation, European WWII Camme Nation Medal, and the European Theater Ribbon and Medal (with two Bronze Stars).  

Dad was a strong advocate for Patriotism and he possessed great respect for all of the Veterans that had served with him as well as those who had served our nation after him. Scattered across our nation are a group of men and women who do not ask for respect but they deserve our respect. Scattered across our nation are a group of people who are not demanding to be applauded but they deserve to receive the applause of appreciation from a nation that has provided wonderful opportunities for people of various races, ethnicities, various religions, and various nationalities. Much is being said about people "having the right" to express their opinions and their ideas. Let me remind you that "freedom of expression" did not come without a price. Take a tour of a local Veterans Hospital and see the men and women who are still paying the price for their time of service in our nation. Our freedom was not cheap and it is still not cheap. 


Happy Veterans Day!!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Encouragement on Election Day

Today is the day on which Americans have the privilege to go to the polls and cast their vote for the next President of the United States. Let me remind you that there are many other offices that will be decided today although the Presidential election has drawn the most attention both positive as well as negative. The television and radio interviews have found many people who say that they will be glad when this election is completed. I assume this is due to the angst, anxiety, anger, fear, disagreement, and some disgust with this election process. This election process has certainly been filled with much rancor, foul words, unending attacks on the character of the candidates as well as the continuing revelation of the "character flaws" of the various candidates.

The title of this post reflected my desire as well as inspiration to shine a light of encouragement upon this day. I do not know the outcome of the election as I write this blog and I am not prepared to make a prediction but there are some things that the Spirit continues to place in my heart and I want to share them with you today.

I have joined with many of you in praying about this election. Let me share with you what I have sensed in the past few days. Repeatedly I have sensed the Spirit leading me to passages of scripture in the Bible that reminds me to "trust in God." I do not believe this is coincidental but I believe this is a mandate from God to point me to the person in which I need to place my trust. No one knows the future and that includes those individuals who are running for the office of President. They have their plans, agendas, ideas and strategies but they are also unable to know what may happen on tomorrow. But as a believer I know who holds our tomorrow in His hands and I also know that He is living in my tomorrow. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today as well as tomorrow. 

I keep hearing the line from one of the worship songs that we sing, "I trust in You..." These words are referencing the Lord God Almighty. I am not going to stop my praying regardless of today's outcome. I am not going to stop my singing regardless of today's outcome. I am not going to stop preaching and ministering to others regardless of today's outcome. I will not hang my harp on a willow tree regardless of today's outcome. I will arise in the morning (if it is the Lord's will) and I will offer my praise, adoration, worship and thanksgiving to the One who died on the old rugged cross that I might have forgiveness of my sins. My victory was won at Calvary and I plan on walking in that victory that has been provided through the blood of Jesus Christ!!

HALLELUJAH TO OUR SAVIOR!!! Let the votes be counted!!

Monday, November 7, 2016

Preparing to Vote

Tomorrow is Election Day across America. I encourage each of you to take the opportunity to celebrate our freedom as Americans through the action of casting your vote on Tuesday. I understand the concern that many people across our nation are feeling today. But I also know that there are some other offices other than President that are on the ballot. There are many sincere and qualified individuals who are running for these offices and they truly believe that they can make a difference in in America. I also remember all of those Veterans who have served our nation throughout the time of our nation's existence. I believe that we would dishonor them if we chose to willfully ignore our privilege to cast our vote. 

I read these words of Adrian Rogers a few days ago and I thought that it would be an appropriate reading as well as an appropriate reminder on this Pre-Election Day in America. 

Right now our nation is sick unto death because she has forgotten God. But listen to this and let it burn itself into your soul. In 1821 John Quincy Adams, the sixth President of the United States, said,
“The highest glory of the American Revolution was this: It connected in one indissoluble bond the principles of civil government with the principles of Christianity. From the day of the Declaration, the American people were bound by the laws of God.”

The principles of civil government and Christianity were linked together in an unbreakable bond. Nearly all citizens acknowledged Christian, biblical principles as the rules of their conduct.

In 1913 President Woodrow Wilson said,
“America was born to exemplify the devotion to the elements of righteousness which are derived from Holy Scriptures.”

In March, 1931, Congress adopted “The Star-Spangled Banner” as our national anthem. Do you know what the fourth stanza says? “Blessed with victory and peace, may this Heaven-rescued land praise the power that hath made and preserved us a nation. Then conquer we must when our cause it is just. And this be our motto, ‘In God is our trust.’”

God blessed America was she was rooted in spiritual principles and truths. Praise God for our Christian and Judaic heritage being written into our very fabric. And pray for your nation according to 2 Corinthians 7:14.

Let us continue to pray for God to bless, guide and direct the Leaders of our nation!! Our trust is in the Lord god Almighty!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Wednesday's Word from the Bible

2 Peter 3:9, The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.(NKJV)

Do you remember this old saying; "Tie a string around your finger so you want forget." Then the challenge would arise to remember the reason that we placed the string on our finger in the first place. Now we download games on our smart phones that are supposed to assist us in our ability to remember things that we do not want to forget. People have been known to write things on the palms of their hands, on their wrists and even on the back of their hand. Why did they take that action? They did not want to forget some morsel of an important fact or truth.

I can not tie a string on your finger and I can not not write on the back of your hand through this electronic communication but I do have some important information for you today. WE NEED TO REMEMBER THE PROMISES OF GOD!! Many of you are just like me today. You are standing on the promises of God concerning certain issues/situations/challenges/battles/struggles in your life or in the lives of others today. You are believing God for yourself as well as for others. Do not give up or give in to doubt or fear. We have a great reservoir of riches from which to draw.

We definitely can not afford to give up on praying for our family and friends who need a relationship with Jesus Christ. There are times that we may need to revisit the promise that the Apostle Peter declared in our verse for today. God is not slack concerning His promise and His desire to reach out to those who need a Savior. 

Our present world is full of uncertainty but we can count on the certainty of God. I am still claiming the promises that God has spoken in His Word. I am still holding onto "God's unchanging hand..."

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Tuesday's Thoughts

Ephesians 1:18, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints,(NJKV)

I feel a very strong burden to share with you this morning. It is very seldom that I will be this personal as I share this morning. But the overwhelming presence of the Spirit that is lingering in my heart following Prayer Time this morning is directing me to share with you in this post today. I do not make that declaration in arrogance or boastfulness but I make it so that I can give the Glory to God and be obedient to His leadership. Today's Prayer Time was unique to say the least but I asked God to help me apply His Spirit to my life and apply His Words to my personal life, I also asked Him to let me know "what He would have me to do with what He placed in my heart."

It has been a while since I have felt such a strong burden from the Lord. That may be surprising to some of those who personally know me. I believe that the work of the Lord is very important and I take very seriously my responsibilities. I do not perceive myself as a "slacker" when it comes to the work of the Kingdom of God. I am FULLY CONVINCED THAT GOD IS NOT FINISHED WORKING IN THE MODERN DAY CHURCH. He is looking for someone, anyone, who will make themselves available to God. I am determined to offer my life to God and do my best to follow His leadership as He takes us into the challenging days that lie ahead of us.

Yesterday was Halloween. Much has been written both pro and con about this day of activity. I am not here to address that today; I am here to address All Saints Day. All Saints Day was originally established to recognize those "saints of God" who had entered into Heaven after their earthly life was concluded. Most Protestant congregations do not participate in the celebration. I am not here to promote that celebration but I AM HERE to share what God placed in my heart as I prayed this morning. My eyes are still filled with tears (some of you who know me may find that hard to believe) as I type this post. We need to remember those departed saints and the difference that they made in our lives as they traveled their road of life. We need to recognize those saints of God who are presently living among us in this day and time and we need to allow them to pour into our lives those life changing principles that will make a difference in our race of faith.

But here is the core of the burden that the Spirit placed on my heart today.  We need to remember those "spiritual first responders" (Pastors) who have a strong, burning, heartfelt desire to faithfully serve the family of God. I know that some of you may be thinking, "Hey, you are a Pastor and you are just trying to draw support for Pastors." I can tell you this with an honest and open heart before God that I have never felt such a heavy, weeping burden for the spiritual leaders as I did a few minutes ago. This was not a brief interruption but it was a moment of Divine intervention where the Holy Spirit brought my praying to a complete stop and I could not utter any words for a period of time. I was completely overwhelmed and mesmerized by the presence of the Spirit. I am unable to share all that I felt but there some key things that I need to tell.

Our Pastors are going to need more that catchy phrases such as "Pray for the Pastor." Pastors need more than fancy words or slick cliches; they are needing Prayer Warriors who will daily undergird them with strong prayers and tears. Pastors are going to need real encouragement from the family of God. Pastors are going to need people who will stand with them when the enemy of our soul comes knocking on their door as well as the doors of the church. Pastors are needing people to love them and encourage the gifts that these men and women of God possess. Pastors need smiles, warm handshakes, warm embraces and kind words. Are Pastors perfect people? Certainly not!! Are Pastors always right? Certainly not!! Are Pastors to be worshipped? Certainly not!!  Are Pastors the "star of the church? Certainly not!! Are Pastors to be respected and appreciated? Yes, they are to be respected and appreciated!!

These thoughts may offend someone today because they know Pastors who have failed, faltered and made poor decisions. Pastors are human beings who have their set of struggles and battles as well as everyone else. But I know many Pastors who are giving their best service to God and to His family. Take your eyes off of the negative and focus on the positive attributes that Pastors bring to the table week after week. Let us be thankful that God has given us some very good people who do watch for your soul and who watch for my soul. 

Thanks for taking the time to allow me to share my heart/burden with you. Remember to take some time to pray for your Pastor today!!!