Today is the day on which Americans have the privilege to go to the polls and cast their vote for the next President of the United States. Let me remind you that there are many other offices that will be decided today although the Presidential election has drawn the most attention both positive as well as negative. The television and radio interviews have found many people who say that they will be glad when this election is completed. I assume this is due to the angst, anxiety, anger, fear, disagreement, and some disgust with this election process. This election process has certainly been filled with much rancor, foul words, unending attacks on the character of the candidates as well as the continuing revelation of the "character flaws" of the various candidates.
The title of this post reflected my desire as well as inspiration to shine a light of encouragement upon this day. I do not know the outcome of the election as I write this blog and I am not prepared to make a prediction but there are some things that the Spirit continues to place in my heart and I want to share them with you today.
I have joined with many of you in praying about this election. Let me share with you what I have sensed in the past few days. Repeatedly I have sensed the Spirit leading me to passages of scripture in the Bible that reminds me to "trust in God." I do not believe this is coincidental but I believe this is a mandate from God to point me to the person in which I need to place my trust. No one knows the future and that includes those individuals who are running for the office of President. They have their plans, agendas, ideas and strategies but they are also unable to know what may happen on tomorrow. But as a believer I know who holds our tomorrow in His hands and I also know that He is living in my tomorrow. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today as well as tomorrow.
I keep hearing the line from one of the worship songs that we sing, "I trust in You..." These words are referencing the Lord God Almighty. I am not going to stop my praying regardless of today's outcome. I am not going to stop my singing regardless of today's outcome. I am not going to stop preaching and ministering to others regardless of today's outcome. I will not hang my harp on a willow tree regardless of today's outcome. I will arise in the morning (if it is the Lord's will) and I will offer my praise, adoration, worship and thanksgiving to the One who died on the old rugged cross that I might have forgiveness of my sins. My victory was won at Calvary and I plan on walking in that victory that has been provided through the blood of Jesus Christ!!
HALLELUJAH TO OUR SAVIOR!!! Let the votes be counted!!
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