Ephesians 1:18, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you
may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of
His inheritance in the saints,” (NJKV)
I feel a very strong burden to share with you this morning. It is very seldom that I will be this personal as I share this morning. But the overwhelming presence of the Spirit that is lingering in my heart following Prayer Time this morning is directing me to share with you in this post today. I do not make that declaration in arrogance or boastfulness but I make it so that I can give the Glory to God and be obedient to His leadership. Today's Prayer Time was unique to say the least but I asked God to help me apply His Spirit to my life and apply His Words to my personal life, I also asked Him to let me know "what He would have me to do with what He placed in my heart."
It has been a while since I have felt such a strong burden from the Lord. That may be surprising to some of those who personally know me. I believe that the work of the Lord is very important and I take very seriously my responsibilities. I do not perceive myself as a "slacker" when it comes to the work of the Kingdom of God. I am FULLY CONVINCED THAT GOD IS NOT FINISHED WORKING IN THE MODERN DAY CHURCH. He is looking for someone, anyone, who will make themselves available to God. I am determined to offer my life to God and do my best to follow His leadership as He takes us into the challenging days that lie ahead of us.
Yesterday was Halloween. Much has been written both pro and con about this day of activity. I am not here to address that today; I am here to address All Saints Day. All Saints Day was originally established to recognize those "saints of God" who had entered into Heaven after their earthly life was concluded. Most Protestant congregations do not participate in the celebration. I am not here to promote that celebration but I AM HERE to share what God placed in my heart as I prayed this morning. My eyes are still filled with tears (some of you who know me may find that hard to believe) as I type this post. We need to remember those departed saints and the difference that they made in our lives as they traveled their road of life. We need to recognize those saints of God who are presently living among us in this day and time and we need to allow them to pour into our lives those life changing principles that will make a difference in our race of faith.
But here is the core of the burden that the Spirit placed on my heart today. We need to remember those "spiritual first responders" (Pastors) who have a strong, burning, heartfelt desire to faithfully serve the family of God. I know that some of you may be thinking, "Hey, you are a Pastor and you are just trying to draw support for Pastors." I can tell you this with an honest and open heart before God that I have never felt such a heavy, weeping burden for the spiritual leaders as I did a few minutes ago. This was not a brief interruption but it was a moment of Divine intervention where the Holy Spirit brought my praying to a complete stop and I could not utter any words for a period of time. I was completely overwhelmed and mesmerized by the presence of the Spirit. I am unable to share all that I felt but there some key things that I need to tell.
Our Pastors are going to need more that catchy phrases such as "Pray for the Pastor." Pastors need more than fancy words or slick cliches; they are needing Prayer Warriors who will daily undergird them with strong prayers and tears. Pastors are going to need real encouragement from the family of God. Pastors are going to need people who will stand with them when the enemy of our soul comes knocking on their door as well as the doors of the church. Pastors are needing people to love them and encourage the gifts that these men and women of God possess. Pastors need smiles, warm handshakes, warm embraces and kind words. Are Pastors perfect people? Certainly not!! Are Pastors always right? Certainly not!! Are Pastors to be worshipped? Certainly not!! Are Pastors the "star of the church? Certainly not!! Are Pastors to be respected and appreciated? Yes, they are to be respected and appreciated!!
These thoughts may offend someone today because they know Pastors who have failed, faltered and made poor decisions. Pastors are human beings who have their set of struggles and battles as well as everyone else. But I know many Pastors who are giving their best service to God and to His family. Take your eyes off of the negative and focus on the positive attributes that Pastors bring to the table week after week. Let us be thankful that God has given us some very good people who do watch for your soul and who watch for my soul.
Thanks for taking the time to allow me to share my heart/burden with you. Remember to take some time to pray for your Pastor today!!!
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