Thursday, July 30, 2009

Daily Living

Over the past few days I have been sharing thoughts that God has placed in my heart over the past several days. The seed of these thoughts were planted in my heart this past weekend at the Kentucky State Conference but I have come to realize that they have been the cry in my heart for some time. God is calling for our actions to match the words that we speak. Words that are connected to Christ and His mission to this earth are spoken on a daily basis throughout our nation. But are our daily actions and lifestyle matching what people are hearing us say? Is my life fully reflecting the heart of God not just in "religious" words but in true actions regarding the needs of those that are around me? It seems that God desires for me to reinforce this principle to us today. As I was praying this morning the Spirit reminded me of the passage in Matthew 15:7-8; "Hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy about you, saying: These people draw near to me with their mouth. And honor Me with their lips, But their heart is far from me" (NKJV). Can you not sense the challenge in this passage of scripture? The actions of the people were not matching what was being spoken out of their mouths. I do not want to be captured in that spirit of hypocrisy. Certainly people need to hear the truth of God but they also need to see the action of God's love and concern being revealed through us. Am I truly reflecting the heart of God for fallen mankind? I can speak great words about grace, mercy, compassion, etc but is my life reflecting these same principles to people who are in desperate need for God to assume control of their lives? What do people say about me and my walk with Christ when I am not present? What legacy am I leaving behind with my family and friends? Do people see Christ is me or do they just hear the words that I speak to them about Christ? Prayer Thought: Dear God, help me to draw near to you so that my actions will truly reflect the words that I speak to you as well as the words that I speak to others. AMEN!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Author & Finisher

The Lord reminds me on many occasions that I am a spiritual work in progress. I am not ashamed to make that declaration; I am glad to know that my relationship with Christ is an on-going relationship that is developing into a deeper commitment of my life. I have described my life this way: "My life is surrounded by orange cones and signs signifying that you are entering a work/construction zone." The Spirit is continuing to mold, shape, form and develop me into the image and likeness of Christ. Hebrews 12:2a records these words; "looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith..." Notice that Jesus is the beginning but also the ending; but as I was meditating about this scripture I realized that He also handles the development of my life between the beginning and the ending. Christ is at work in our hearts to help us reach the spiritual development that God intended for our lives. I am responsible for being obedient and submissive to His will and surrendering my life into the hands of His development. Terry Mahan shared this acronym to establish the process that the Spirit releases in our lives. The acronym is SOAP: Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer. The Spirit encourages us to read the Word, we then observe what the Word is saying to us, we apply the Word to our heart, and we pray and ask God to apply the Word to our hearts. We need to understand that Christ desires to be a part of our daily lives and not just on Sunday and Wednesday. God is looking to finish what He has started in us and our challenge is to cooperate with Him in His process.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I would like to take this opportunity and share some insights that God placed in my heart over this past weekend. I was reminded that God is always revealing Himself through His Word and through the unction of the Holy Spirit. Do I truly allow the Word of God to do its work in my life or do I just read the Word of God because I am instructed to do so? Do I realize the the Word of God speaks life and that the Word of God is alive and powerful? Hebrews 4:12a, "For the Word of God is living and powerful..."(NKJV). How can we do what we need to do for God without the power of the Word? Paul challenges us to be "imitators of God as dear children" (Ephesians 5:1, NKJV). But we can not fulfill this challenge without revelation. We must allow the Spirit to reveal to us how we should be living. The Word of God reveals Christ to us and Christ at work in our lives directs our steps so that we can living pleasing to God. Do you see the need for the Word of God to play an important role in our lives? Many of us feel the desire to become what God has called us to be but we hear the whispers of the enemy that it is impossible to reach that goal. But the Word of God and the Spirit of God working in our hearts can bring that longing in our heart to completion. We must allow the Word to perform its complete work in our hearts removing those things that need to be removed and adding those things that need to be added. I for one believe that God can fulfill in us the promise that He gave through Paul in Philippians 1:6, "being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ" (NKJV). Walk in the strength of God throughout this day as well as the remainder of your days. Rejoice in the fact that God's Word is at work in your heart.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Weekend Services

I was privileged to attend the State Conference of the Churches of God of Prophecy in Kentucky. I attended this meeting as a participant to receive the ministry of the Word and of the Spirit. Ministers need to receive the ministry of the Word and Spirit as God uses others to sow into our lives. Those who are in the position of giving also need to learn to sit in the position of being taught, encouraged, and edified concerning the things of the Kingdom. I am excited to report that my life was impacted in a tremendous manner though my participation in the services. Each session of the Conference that I attended impacted and influenced my life in a very practical manner. This is what I mean by that statement; the Word and the Spirit desire for us to apply the principles of truth that are being revealed to us from the heart of God. That must become the cry of our heart; God desires to fill your life and mine with more than just information, Christ came to bring transformation to humanity. I desire to apply the principles of God to my life in such a manner that my daily walk with God will reflect His presence at work in me. J. Scott Gillum, the State Administrative Bishop of the Churches of God in Kentucky made this statement in his sermon; "It is time for the church to move from relationship to resemblance." He alluded to the fact that we need to start looking and acting like the heart of the Father rather than just talking about the heart of the Father. The Word that he spoke resonated deep in my heart. Is it not a lot easier to talk in glowing terms about the principles of God then it is to put those practices into operation into our daily lives? I once heard a Minister say it this way; "It is time not just to talk the talk but it is time to walk the walk." Have you ever heard the term "he/she is just full of hot air?" Normally that term was used to describe someone who made a lot of noise but not much action followed the noise that they made. I do not want to be full of "spiritual hot air"; I do not want to make a lot of "noise" and never put into action the principles of Jesus Christ. Would you join me today in asking God to help us practice what He is teaching us? Great blessings and opportunities await those who will obey the unction of God that the Body of Christ is sensing at this moment. Take time today to recommit your life to obeying God; He is still looking for obedient people to serve Him.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Word of Affirmation

Last night we had the great honor to fellowship with Ministers and their companions from across the state of Kentucky. It is always a blessing to set among people who are willing to make the sacrifice of service to the great cause of Jesus Christ. Many of these individuals have been our friends for many years and we personally know of some of the sacrifices that they have made and continue to make for the Kingdom of God. I offer the words of appreciation and affirmation to these awesome servants of God. Each of them are making a significant difference in the lives of many people. During this meeting the Lord ministered to my heart and I felt I needed to share this with the readers of this blog. Pastor Terry Mahan addressed the leadership with some inspirational words. It was during this time of sharing that the Lord deposited some very important reminders in my heart. The Lord placed this passage in my heart this morning as I reflected on the presence of God during prayer time. Luke 12:6-7; "Are not five sparrows sold for two copper coins? And not one of them is forgotten before God. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows" (NKJV). As Pastor Mahan was sharing the encouraging Word from the Lord I was reminded that I needed to hear what I so often share with others; I tell people on many occasions that God is truly interested in their life and the circumstances that they are facing. I felt that God wanted me to remind you that there are times in which we need to reflect on those spiritual truths that we have deposited in the lives of others. Is it possible that the enemy seeks for us to forget those truths when we are facing our own personal adversity? It is at those moments that we need to remember the promise of Christ found in Luke; God watches the sparrows but people are more valuable than the sparrows. Many of you who read this post today need to be reminded of that Biblical truth. God has not forgotten you. God has not forsaken you. You are significant to God and the service that you offer to Him is important. God is near to you during your adversity and He is aware of the fears that you are facing. But rest assured that God is for you and that He is not against you. Trust in Him with all of your heart and lean on the promises of God and He will see you through the struggles that you are facing. Thank you God for reminding me to remember the promises that I share with others. Take time to remember the promises that God has declared to you and over you. Blessings on your walk with God.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Working with God

During prayer I was reminded of a sermon that I heard the late Bishop Billy Murray share in a Leadership Conference several years ago. He used the scripture passage of John 5:17 & 19 as the backdrop of the sermon. In those passages Jesus states that He does whatever He sees the Father doing; in other words they are working together for the good of mankind. I felt that God was re-depositing this truth in my heart; I need to discover and understand what God is doing and then join myself to the work that God is already blessing. So many times we want God to bless what we are doing rather then allowing God to reveal to us what He is doing all around us. There have been times in my life that I have been guilty of looking through the eyes of the flesh rather then through the eyes of the Spirit. Each of us need to sense, recognize, and respond to what God is doing around us. God is bringing opportunities into our lives every day but we fail to identify that "God moment." What about the new friendships that you are developing in your neighborhood or at your place of employment? What about the children that have become friends of your children? What about the network of Pastors that God is placing in your life? What about your personal physician who asks you questions concerning your view of the end of time? These examples are a part of an endless list of opportunities that God brings into our lives on a daily basis. We must learn to identify when the Spirit is at work and then become comfortable following the leading of the Spirit as He leads us into a time of sharing the love of God with that individual person. Opportunities are all around us and we need to recognize these and allow God to use us to be a representative of the Kingdom of God. Our "message" is one that brings hope to a hurting world. Be observant today and see what God is doing around you.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Proverbs 16:17: "The highway of the upright avoids evil; he who guards his way guards his life" (NIV). Each of us face daily decisions that not only impact our lives but these decisions also impact the lives of those people that surround us. We face the challenge/opportunity of making the correct decisions but we are confident that the Holy Spirit is with us to guide our decision making process. We need to be thankful that we are not alone on this journey but that God is ever present and ever ready to guide our path. But this is the question that we all must answer; "Am I willing to surrender my life into His hands completely?" Am I truly willing for Him to reign as Lord and King or do I only want Him as Savior? It is easy to surrender to the One who can forgive us but do we truly desire for Him to lead us? I read this anonymous quote in my personal journal and it spoke to my heart and I wanted to share it with you today. "The future lies before you like a field of driven snow, Be careful how you tread it, for every step will show." I do not desire for this post to intimidate us into fear of our walk with God. But I do sense the urgency to remind all of us of the responsibility that we face as we are making the decisions for our future. We need to understand that we can influence people either negatively or positively by how we conduct ourselves. I truly desire to be a positive influence in this world and represent Christ in the best manner that I can; after all He has called us to be ambassadors of His to this lost and hurting world. Let out steps represent a life that is being led by the Spirit and not driven by the desires of the flesh. All of us must remember that each of us face the daily war between the flesh and the Spirit; but God has given us the authority and ability to overcome the flesh and live in the power of the Spirit. Thank God for His amazing Grace!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

NOW, Part 2

The Lord continues to remind me of the reality that He placed in my heart this past weekend in Alabama. The Lord is with us at this very present moment. Hebrews 13:8 records these words about Christ; "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." Knowing that Christ is with us today is the bridge that moves us from our yesterday into our future. It is so easy to believe that God "has been with us" but we need to realize that He desires to be with us at this very present moment. Our hope and faith for the future is based on our recognition of the presence of Christ at this very moment of our walk down the road of life. Take a moment today and recognize the hand of God on your life and remember that you are not alone as you face the challenges of today. The reality of the presence of God is not determined on any set location, but only dependent upon the determination to set the Lord always before us. We must continue to "look unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith"(Hebrews 12:2a). The problems and challenges of life can feel overwhelming when we refuse to trust in the reality of His presence at this very moment. God is here NOW and He is ready to become involved in our lives when we call on Him. Some of the simplest truths about Christ may be the ones that are the hardest to receive and believe. The enemy seeks to make us doubt the presence of Christ and in doing so he seeks to make our reaching out to God seem so futile and empty. But remember the only reason that we can reach out to God is found in the promise that His presence is with us and that His presence is in us. Oh the joy of knowing that we are not alone and that we do not have to wait for some particular date on the calendar for Christ to arrive. He is present at this very moment and we can walk in the strength of His promise. Some of you are walking roads that seem dark and treacherous at this moment but trust in Christ who was with you yesterday, He will be with you tomorrow, but even more importantly He is with you TODAY!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Weekend Review

Saturday and Sunday provided me with opportunities to share the Word of God that He had placed on my heart. I was given the privilege to offer the closing challenge to those attending the AL State Convention. During preparation for the service the Lord reminded me that He calls us to responsibility that is greater than our ability. Do not feel discouraged if your opportunity to serve seems larger than your ability to meet the challenge. God uses those moments to remind us that He is greater/larger than any opportunity that He places before us. The weaknesses that we feel affords us the opportunity to trust in the strength of God. Only when we are able to identify our weaknesses can we open ourselves to the strength of the Lord God Almighty. Sunday morning found me in the local church in Pelham, AL. The Lord ministered to those in attendance and several responded to the altar invitation. Tears were streaming down the faces of people as they looked to God for His love, mercy, and compassion to be released in their lives. We must always remember that God is truly interested in our lives and that He does have His eyes on us and He is aware of all that we are facing. Pastor K.T. and Frances Martin are doing a wonderful job in serving the church as Pastor. Both them and the people offered wonderful fellowship and they were very open to the preaching of the Word and the move of the Spirit. This past weekend in AL taught me that we are in desperate need of God's direction for our lives. This world/culture has so many distractions for ALL of us; it is so easy for our lives to move off course and we begin traveling the road of destruction rather than the road of life. We must make the right choice to travel the right road. We must stay focused on God and the direction that He is providing; we must stay focused on our commitment to Christ and the plans that He has for our lives. This is not the time to become distracted but these are the days to be sure that we know that we are headed in the right direction. Introspection affords us the opportunity for self examination. It is easier to exam our fellow travelers than it is to exam ourselves; we can identify in others what we think should to be corrected in their lives. We have the tendency to overlook our own needs and focus on what we have identified as the "needs" of others. We must be awakened out of this distraction and allow God the access to our life and in doing so this action opens the door for spiritual maturity and growth. Let this be a day in which we open ourselves to the presence of the Spirit and allow Him to do His work in our lives.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Bishop Larry Duncan (Cleveland, TN) taught a powerful and challenging sermon on Worship last evening. The Lord spoke a mighty Word through him as he took us down the road of Worship through the life of King David. I will not try to re-teach or re-preach this sermon but I do want to share some personal revelation that God placed in my heart. Worship is not just a time slot in service prior to the delivery of the sermon or message. True Worship must become a lifestyle not just a few "dedicated" moments that I offer to God. I want to do more than appease God in some form of religious activity; I want to offer to Him my sincere adoration and recognition of who is He and what He offers to this hurting world. Worship must come from my heart and not just from my lips. I must be willing to Worship God even if it goes against the prevailing attitudes of the world and those that are around me. I must be willing to offer to God the highest praise and gratitude for all that He has provided for me. I could go in more detail but I just wanted you to sense a portion of the Word that was deposited in our lives last evening at the AL Convention. I was given the privilege to follow Bro. Duncan with an exhortation and invitation. The Lord impressed upon me the need to interact with God. Worship is a time of interaction and participation with God. As I proceeded to invite people to come forward to Worship and Praise God the anointing of the Holy Spirit moved into the place. The power of "ministry" began to erupt among the participants with God and needs were met. People were slain in the Spirit, some received the baptism of the Spirit, and others were encouraged to continue their pursuit of the will of God for their lives. I want to declare this to you today; true Worship opens the door of opportunity for God to release His ministering spirit in our lives. Make the commitment, become a worshipper today and see what God will do in your life.

Friday, July 17, 2009


Last night's altar service was very powerful. The Lord reminded us that He is present with us NOW! Many of us can believe that God has been with us and that God has promised to be with us in the future but we are living in the present. We are facing circumstances, challenges, and decisions in which we need the wisdom of God NOW. He has promised to be with us at this moment in our lives and we can rejoice in the faithfulness of God. God also reminded us that each of us do matter to Him and that He is aware of all that we do for the sake of His Kingdom. There are times that all of us feel that what we do is not making an impact in this world. But remember that you are serving Christ because someone made an impact on your life. You are serving Christ because someone took the time to invest time, energy, prayers, and encouragement in your life. Always remember that people appreciate those people who truly care about them and those people who speak encouragement into their lives. Take time today to invest a kind word in those people that cross your path on a daily basis. Your effort to serve God in this manner will prove a great benefit to those who you serve as well as your own personal walk with God.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Wisdom from God

The Spirit of God began to deal with my heart and mind as I was preparing for this evening's service. Each one of us is in need of the wisdom of God in some area of our lives. But do we find ourselves waiting for some "supernatural moment" in the future in which the wisdom that we need will be revealed? Or do we fully understand that God is prepared to reveal that wisdom NOW? The word "now" keeps resonating in my heart as I receive what God is saying; I know that God has plans for the future but He also has plans for the present. Is it possible that many of us spend our time waiting when in reality God is prepared to reveal the action that we need to take? The same God who is prepared for the future of our lives is also prepared for the present day circumstances and situations that we are facing. Each of us must be willing to not only ask God for His wisdom and direction; we must be willing to take the appropriate action when that wisdom is revealed. Many dreams and aspirations have died in the birthing process because we were unwilling to walk in the strength of God's revelation in our lives. Oh men and women of God it is time to arise and follow after the direction of God!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Travel Day

Today I have traveled to Hoover, AL (near Birmingham) for the Alabama State Convention. I am both blessed and excited about the opportunity of ministering to the people who will attend the state gathering of the Churches of God of Prophecy. God is so amazing and He provides many wonderful opportunities to share the Word of God and that Word has the power to impact our lives in a transforming manner. I know that the Word that God shares through me is certainly making an impact in my journey with God. The more that I learn about God the more that I recognize that I need Him and that I want Him working in my heart. Alabama holds a special place in our hearts; it is both mine as well as Ann's birth place. We were born in Huntsville and we began our ministerial journey with God in this state in the early 70's. That statement makes me feel and sound "old" but in reality we just started at a very young age. Alabama will always hold a place of significance to us because the people gave us the opportunity to begin this amazing walk with God and we will always be grateful to those who invested in our lives at a very critical time. We were privileged to serve the Athens and Hazel Green churches as Pastor before we transitioned to Kentucky in 1975. We look forward to renewing old friendships and the development of new friendships. We will also have the opportunity to visit with some family members and that is always a blessing.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Prayer Burden

Today's post will be unique in which I will share what the Lord placed on my heart during prayer this morning. I could sense that many of you who read this blog are facing some challenging moments in your life at this present time. These are the days of trials, challenges, and difficulties to say the least. But we can also rest assured that God is at work in all of our lives working His will and way even in the midst of our daily journey. I felt led of the Lord to ask for the readers of this blog to join together in prayer for the needs of our fellow believers. The family of God needs to come together and intercede for one another and let satan know that we are united and not divided. A divided house can not stand (teachings of Jesus); this is not the time to allow our lives to be separated by small and insignificant differences. Families, homes, marriages, and even our churches are under satanic and demonic attack at this moment. But in the midst of these events I sense that God is calling many of us to fervent prayer which will allow us to intercede for one another and realize that God is still in charge of the affairs of man. Different individuals are always sharing prayer requests with me as I travel around this nation. Some of these are too personal or private to reveal the nature of the request. Rest assured that God is aware of all that you need even if you can not adequately define or describe your need. Let this be a day of prayer for those needs that exists in the lives of our fellow believers. God still hears the cry of intercessors. As you pray today listen for the Voice of God to bring the needs of others to your heart and mind. Call these people's names out to the Lord and allow Him to teach you to help carry the burden of your brothers and sisters in the family of God. You will be blessed through this action and the family of God will feel the strength of your prayers.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Weekend Review

Due to the busy schedule of the weekend activities at the meeting in Ft. Smith, AR I have been unable to update the blog. Yesterday was a travel day home from the services. The old song says what I feel in my heart today, "Surely the presence of the Lord was in the place." The anointing and unction of the Lord was upon each of the services and the Spirit of God touched the lives of many who were in attendance. State Bishop Wayne Pense and his lovely wife, Adana as well as the people of Arkansas and Oklahoma welcomed us with open arms of love and fellowship. Their kindness and fellowship was a great source of blessing and encouragement. It is truly a blessing to be able to spend time with the family of God in times of conversation as well as times of worship. I truly believe that the Lord reminded us that "greater things" can be accomplished in the Kingdom of God if we remain focused on Christ and His call to minister to the needs of people. We have to be willing to accept people at their point of need and point them to the power of Christ. Christ can still impact and change the lives of people; we must be determined to allow Christ the opportunity to do His work among people. There were several people in the Friday night service who received the baptism of the Spirit. Many people came forward for prayer in the Saturday night healing service. I give God praise for all that was accomplished in each of the meetings. GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD AND HE IS WORTHY OF OUR PRAISE! I was both blessed and encouraged by the number of young people who were in the altar seeking after God in the Friday as well as Saturday night services. I truly believe that this does not have to be a "lost generation" of children and youth. The Region of AR/OK is making a strong commitment to reach the children and youth of their communities. This is the day to arise and be about the Father's Business. Let us look to Him and trust in Him with all of our hearts and allow Him to use us in the field of harvest. We must open our eyes and realize that the fields are ripe and ready for harvest (John 4). Are you actively involved in some form of outreach to your family and friends? If not, you need to allow the Spirit to touch your life so that you can realize the importance of reaching people with the message of the Gospel. I desire to tell people about Christ and the difference that He can make in their lives.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Servants of God

Last night I had the privilege to sit with Pastors and their companions from across the states of Arkansas and Oklahoma. I also was given the privilege to share some comments with these men and women of God. As I was preparing for the meeting I was reminded of the opportunity of sitting with true servants of God. Pastors, Ministers, and other leaders of churches do many things which are done in the privacy of serving others. Pastors are called on in situations that do not grab the headlines of the local newspapers, or make the stories of the local newscasts but they are recognized and remembered in Heaven. God does not forget the service we offer to Him as we serve others. I am thankful to be able to cross paths with true servants of God as I travel around this country sharing the good news of the Gospel. Many of you are faithful servants of God who daily offer their lives to God as a living sacrifice. You willingly serve others without much fanfare or recognition. No news organizations shows up to interview you and present you with any rewards or certificates yet you remain committed to the cause of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom. To each of you I say THANK YOU and I want you to know that your service has not gone unnoticed by our Heavenly Father. Jesus gave us the example of service and now you are committed to follow in His footsteps. Churches would never be able to operate the ministries of local churches if it were not for the dedicated servants who serve tirelessly week after week to make sure the ministries complete their acts of service to the local body as well as to the community in which they live. Allow God to encourage you today and understand that there are people who truly appreciate your service and I am speaking for them today; we are glad that you are willing to give of yourself to a cause that is greater than all of us. Be blessed as you continue to serve today and the rest of the days of your life.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Yesterday was a travel day. I drove from Louisville to Fort Smith, AR; the Lord was gracious and provided a safe trip for which I am always grateful and thankful. God is the One who provides the traveling mercies that we need. I am thankful that God is interested in my daily journey and He is always aware of my location. As I have stated before, God is the original GPS system operator and He is always aware of our location. I will have the privilege of sharing the speaking responsibilities with Bishop Randall Howard, General Overseer of the Church of God of Prophecy. Bishop Howard was installed in this position at the International Assembly of the Church of God of Prophecy in 2006. Prior to this position Bishop Howard had served the church as Global Outreach Director; this position allowed him the opportunity to oversee the work of Missions around the world. Bishop Howard has a great desire to lead the Church of God of Prophecy in the direction of re-connecting with our core values which include prayer, discipleship, and the planting of new churches in North America as well as around the world. I look forward to renewing my friendship with Bishop Howard and listening to him share the Word of God. The theme of this meeting is "Expect." As I was praying this morning the Lord reminded me the the enemy seeks to remove the attitude of expectation from us. Our enemy does not want us living in the spirit of anticipation/expectation. He wants us to settle for the status quo or spiritual business as usual. He wants us to live in the valley of low or no expectations but this is the time to be aware of the One who is seeking to direct our steps and reinvigorate our spirits with the Holy Spirit. As I have written before; will we allow God to place in our lives what we need or will we remain content to live the valley of dryness and discouragement? I am choosing to move out of the valley of low expectations and live on the mountain of hope and anticipation. I encourage you to join me on the journey of anticipation.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


I wanted to make you aware that portions of the Arkansas/Oklahoma Convention services will be broadcast live on the Internet. You can go this website:; look for Quicklinks (top right corner), click on 2009 Convention live. As of this post the services are scheduled this way; Friday evening (July 10) beginning at 7:30 pm (CST) and Saturday evening ( July 11) at 8:15 pm (CST). Note the beginning of the services may vary so please check the website for the access of the programs. I trust that some of you may be able to join with us via the Internet. Ann's visit with the Doctor went well today. Her recovery from the accident continues to go well. The Doctor wants her to remain off her foot for at least three more weeks and then reevaluate her progress. We are thankful for your prayer support and for the words of encouragement that many of you have shared with us. It is a blessing to be a part of the family of God! I will be involved in several Camp Meetings and Convention services over the next few weeks. Each of the services will contains Pastors, local church leaders and laity. Many of them will be seeking inspiration and encouragement as they face the challenges in their lives. I ask that each of you pray daily with me that God will provide what each of these individuals need. I know that in myself I am unable to provide what they need but I know that God is the One who sees exactly where they are located on their journey.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Weekend Review

Pastor Bill and Sue Tatum as well as the congregation welcomed me into the fellowship of White Oak Family Worship Center. Although it was a holiday weekend the local body of believers were ready to recognize God, release their praises to Him, respond to the challenge of His Spirit, and finally receive the blessings that God had prepared for them. Saturday night, July 4th, found us enjoying the power of "spiritual fireworks" as the presence of God invaded the building and many of us responded to His visitation. I am continually reminded about the goodness of God and His desire to love and care for us. We can not afford to miss those declarations that God has made and continues to make toward His children. He is interested in our future and He has prepared direction for our lives if only we will be willing to follow His guidance. I truly desire to follow the guidance and direction of the Spirit. In previous postings I have written about the process that I feel needs to take place in our times of worship whether private or public. I have written about recognizing God and releasing our praise to Him. I want to add a step in that process before we reach the time that the Spirit begins to minister to our lives. I firmly believe that God is calling us to respond to the challenge and direction of the Spirit. As we release our praise to God we open the door for the revelation of the presence of God. But for the presence of God to have full liberty in our lives we must be willing to respond to His presence. We must make ourselves available to God. The enemy of our soul does not want us responding to God. It is when we respond to God that our faith is released into action. Throughout the Bible God called for a response. Christ called for a response as He released the power of miracles in the lives of individuals. The enemy seeks to make us afraid to respond. We are afraid of what others will think, we are afraid that our faith is too weak to receive an answer, we are afraid of failure, and in some cases we are afraid that we are only acting out of the desperation of the flesh versus the conviction of the Spirit. But I encourage you today not to be afraid any longer. Respond to God, allow Him near to your life, and receive all that He has prepared for you and for your journey with Him.

Saturday, July 4, 2009


We want to wish our family and friends HAPPY 4TH OF JULY! Many of us will gather with our family and friends today for cookouts, fireworks, boating excursions, etc. But in the midst of all of our celebrations let us remember those family members who are away from home at this time serving their country in the defense of our freedom. Let us not forget those who are making it possible for us to enjoy all of the activities that have become a part of our July 4th celebrations. The meeting at White Oak was powerful last night as the Spirit reminded all of us that He has plans and directions for our journey with Him. Life is too short to be lived with regrets regarding our relationship with Christ; give of your best to Christ and allow Him to work in your life through your spiritual development. I am truly excited about my future in Christ and with Christ. We are looking for more "spiritual fireworks" in the service tonight (July 4).

Friday, July 3, 2009


As we prepare to celebrate the July 4th holiday we need to remember those men and women who have been willing to pay the ultimate price for our freedom. It is easy to walk in freedom but many individuals down through the years of our history have offered their lives on a battlefield that our nation could enjoy our liberty today. To each of these brave men and women we say a heartfelt THANK YOU! Even today we have military personnel stationed in various parts of this world fulfilling their responsibility so that we could enjoy the opportunities of freedom. Take a moment this weekend and reflect on these soldiers and their families and realize that the price for freedom is still being paid. There are enemies of freedom who seek to destroy our nation both from within and without. We need to pray for these valiant soldiers and pray for the leadership of this nation. We are at a very crucial hour in our history and we need the direction of God. But I have not lost hope; throughout history God has raised up men and women for His purpose and plan and I believe He is doing the same thing at this point in the juncture of our history. We must not slack from our duties that are declared in the New Testament, we are to pray for our leaders whether we voted for them or not. Let us be faithful to our responsibilities; we know that God will be faithful to the promises of His Word. Today is also a good day to remember the price that was paid for our spiritual freedom. My heart leaps for joy as I reflect on the willingness of Jesus Christ to pay the debt for my sins. A line from an old song declares, "He (Jesus) paid a debt that I owed"; we must remember that we were in need of a Savior and that we were captured in the kingdom of darkness and Christ paid the price for our redemption. I challenge you to worship the Lord today. I challenge you to lift your voice as never before and rejoice in the fact that you have been delivered from the powers of sin and transferred into the Kingdom of Christ. Just as the freedom for our nation did not come without a price so it is also true concerning our spiritual freedom. Our spiritual freedom cost the death of our Savior on a "old rugged cross"; Christ died that we might live and today I am thankful for His willing sacrifice for my deliverance. As you move through this weekend and all of its celebration events do not forget to offer praise and thanksgiving to Christ and all that He provided and continues to provide for all of us. GOD BLESS AMERICA!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

What am I Doing in Church?, Part 3

I desire to continue this thought regarding our participation with God in worship service. We not only participate with fellow believers during the service but we are also called to interact with God. I wanted to take a look at the next step in the process of Worship that God placed in my heart. Release: I firmly believe that each one of us is called and challenged by the Word to release our praise and worship to the Lord God Almighty. No one can tell your story like you can. No one can Worship for you and no one can express your praise and thanksgiving. Is it possible that the modern day church has grown lazy in this step of the process? Many churches have praise teams that are blessed with talented singers and musicians and in some instances we may think that they can offer praise to God for all of us. We grow comfortable allowing them to do the "worshipping" for us and we just sit back and enjoy the music and singing. It can almost become a time of entertainment for us rather than a time of personal gratitude and thanksgiving to God for who He is and for all that He has done for us. After we recognize God, we need to release our praises to God. We need to raise our voice of adoration and exaltation to the One who has paid the price for our redemption. I refuse to allow my voice which desires to reflect a heart of praise to be silent any more; God has worked in marvelous ways in my life and He deserves my very best praise. This past week, Pastor Barfield encouraged the local body to offer "heartfelt praise to God." We need to release our praise from the deepness of our soul as we recognize the work of God's grace taking place in our lives. As we release our praise we find ourselves entering into the deeper presence of the Spirit which then in turn opens the door of our hearts for the ministering presence of the Spirit. We do not have to wait on something spectacular to take place before we can praise Him; David reminded us in Psalm 150 that everything that has breath should offer praise to God. As you prepare for your next worship time with God, whether private or pubic, prepare your heart to offer adoration to God and be prepared to RELEASE your praise and worship. The revival this week at Mt. Carmel was wonderful. The anointing of the Spirit was upon each of the services. Each night found people in the altars and even in the pews seeking the face of God. The anointing of the Lord was very strong and people testified that needs were met by the presence of God. Only Heaven can fully record all that was accomplished but I knew that as I ministered to people that God was doing some awesome things. I am more determined than ever before to see revival come to the church in America. God is at work, will I be willing to join Him in what He is doing or will I be content to be an observer rather than a participant with Him? Only you can answer that question for yourself.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

What am I Doing in Church?, Part 2

I believe that the the Lord has placed three words is my heart as I reflect on my time in any individual worship setting whether this time is private or public. These words are: Recognize, Release, and Receive. I want to take a moment and elaborate on these words. RECOGNIZE: In some ways I wrote about this need in yesterday's posting. During prayer and meditation time yesterday the Lord began to reinforce in my spirit the need to recognize the presence of God among His people. We must learn to focus the attention of our heart and soul toward the One who is able and ready to make a difference in our lives. Do you realize that if someone rich, famous, or what we considered important came in among us we would do our best to place him/her in the line of our eyesight? We would move our head and in some cases even move our body so that we could position ourselves for that one look so that we could go away from that encounter and declare that we saw the person that we intended to see. People will camp out early to get the best seats in the house; people will camp out in front of ticket offices to buy those "special tickets" for the entertainer or sporting event that is so important to them. Yet, we go to church and the slightest distraction can cause us to lose our focus on Christ and before long our minds are adrift in the sea of things of lesser importance. We must learn the discipline of right priorities. The most important presence in our services is the presence of God. We must seek to turn our hearts toward Him and seek to identify His presence. A few years ago I attended an Alabama football game ( I am a diehard Crimson Tide fan) with our sons. We arrived early (can you even imagine arriving early at church?) at the game so that we could watch for the team buses to arrive. We wanted to see the players and the coaches arrive for the game. When the buses arrived we followed them to the gate where they would unload; not to be outdone, I made my way close to the door, stuck out my hand and began to shake the hands of the team and coaching staff as they arrived. I "recognized" many of the players and several of the coaches; needless to say I shook several hands that day because I positioned myself to "see" the players. Don't you think it is time that we positioned ourselves to "see" the Lord God Almighty as He releases His Spirit among His people? The next time you are in a public worship service position yourself to see the presence of God as He begins to move in your life and the lives of those who are present in the service.