Today I sense that the Spirit of the Lord would have me to do something a little different. This action that I am about to take has been stirring in my heart since last night and this morning I sincerely believe that the Spirit gave me release to move forward. I am determined as well as committed to following the leading of the Spirit. I have seen God reward my obedience as well as the obedience of others on many occasions. God is looking for people who will follow the Lord with all of their heart. The Word of God contains that challenge in case we may have forgotten or we may have even willfully chosen to disregard His Word.
Our governmental leaders sign many documents in which they make declarations regarding certain individuals or even certain events that take place across our nation on a daily basis. We make declarations that recognize various sports teams who have won championships. We make declarations that recognize certain individuals who have made wonderful contributions to the field of education, medicine, government, civic endeavors, etc. These individuals become the focus of that declaration because of their accomplishments in their particular field of expertise.
I looked up the meaning of the word "declaration" on The word "declaration" means, "the act of declaring or announcement." It also means "a positive, explicit, or formal statement." The word "declaration" took on a greater meaning to me after that brief amount of research. These definitions made me realize that both the individual as well as the reason behind the declaration were important to many people who would connect the declaration with a special person or event that had taken place.
I would like to make a declaration for this day and I would like for it to apply to anyone who would take the time to read this blog or to anyone who just even hears about this declaration. You may feel led to share this declaration with others so that they can join in the celebration and assist us in honoring the individual who made this declaration possible.
By the authority invested in me as a Minister of the Gospel I declare today a DAY OF PRAISE!!! Today is a day that we will choose to offer God praise for each of the blessings that He has provided for our lives. We will especially honor Him for sending His son, Jesus Christ to die on the cross for our Salvation. I have many blessings to remember and share but I will leave it to your pleasure to name many of the other benefits of God that will come alive in your mind as you reflect on the Goodness and Greatness of God.
I base this declaration on Psalm 150:6, "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord."
I encourage you to share this declaration with others. Did I just hear a "Praise the Lord" being raised across our land today?
Praise GOD from whom all blessings flow!