Thursday, January 5, 2017


I would like to share a portion of a letter that I shared with the New River church body  a few days ago. We are participating with our brothers and sisters in Christ around our nation in a time of Prayer and Fasting. But for me it also a time of re-dedication and re-commitment to the cause of Jesus Christ. I have discovered that as I enter the presence of God through Prayer & Praise that I will sense the leading of the Spirit which will reconnect me with the reason that Christ came to this earth. There is true joy and freedom when we see our need of being about the "Father's Business." I pray that God will continue to deal with my heart in that manner and I also pray that God will deal with your heart in that manner. 

Let these words cause you to reflect on 2016 but also let them encourage you to trust God even more in 2017!!

We cannot change what has taken place in the year of 2016 but we can prepare our hearts to make the correct decisions that will confront us in 2017. I sincerely believe that God is calling each of us to draw closer to Him and the situations that we are facing are demanding that we make the correct decisions. We cannot afford to "squeeze God" out of our lives because we are so busy taking care of other things. I understand that we are all very busy with life but each of us needs to make sure that God receives "quality time" from us as we move forward into 2017. I am praying that our services will be a part of those "quality" times that will provide a spiritual impact on all of our lives. I know that I am even more serious in my approach to preparation, prayers, obedience and the presentation of the message that God places on and in my heart. I ask for your prayers as I follow the leading of the Holy Spirit in serving this local church as Pastor. 

This New Year will have its share of challenges for each of us but it will also be full of OPPORTUNITIES TO SERVE GOD AND ENCOURAGE ONE ANOTHER!! I encourage you to be aware of those opportunities and seize the moment as you offer your service to God. We have entered into the first week of our 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting. I have certainly sensed the refreshing presence of God in my times of prayer. I am looking forward to what God has planned for us as we continue to move toward the promise of His coming. I encourage you to join with me in seeking God for a closer and deeper relationship with Him. I believe that needs to be the priority in each of our lives.

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