Friday, July 23, 2010


Today has been a day in which God reminded me about the blessing of being encouraged.  Through this revival ministry I have made many contacts with people all around the nation.  Electronic communications such as email, Facebook, Twitter allow people to send messages to me that releases the blessing of encouragement in my life.  I was reminded today that I need to be thankful for the encouragers that God has placed in my life through the years of my Christian service.  I received many words of encouragement from people through the years where we have served in the Pastoral ministry and I wanted each one of those people to know that I am appreciative of the kinds and thoughtful words that have been spoken to us through the years of our service in the Kingdom of God.  Kind and God inspired words can create an attitude of encouragement in the valley of discouragement.  We need to be alert to the needs of each other and speak life and encouragement to our fellow travelers on the journey through life.  We also need to recognize those "God moments" and realize that God is sending us a message through the thoughtful words that individual person is speaking.  Take some time today to be an encouragement to someone.  You will be blessed and that individual will be blessed and strengthened.

The posts on the blog next week may be erratic due to my responsibilities at the International Assembly of the Church of God of Prophecy.  The Assembly is being conducted in the Greensboro Coliseum in Greensboro, NC.  Delegates from around the world will converge on Greensboro in a concerted effort to seek after the heart of God.  Would you commit this meeting to prayer this coming week?

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