Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Each one of us at various times face certain struggles that can create doubt in our lives. Does this doubt mean that our faith isn't real or does it mean that we are not trusting God? Let us look at some examples from the Bible. Abram faced the challenge of believing the promises of God because of his age and the age of his wife (Genesis 15:8). John the Baptist asked this question of Christ as he sat in a prison cell; "John the Baptist...sent his disciples to ask Jesus, Are you the Messiah we've been expecting, or should we keep looking for someone else?" (Matthew 11:2-3, NKJV). Does it mean that these men doubted when they asked these questions or does it simply reveal their humanity as they look at the daunting situation they were facing? As we look at these examples we can understand that even these "pillars of the faith" had moments when their circumstances seemed larger than their faith. I don't believe they felt that the circumstances were larger than their God; rather I believe they could have felt that the circumstances were larger than their faith. Their faith was being challenged in a new way; they were entering territory where they had never traveled before. Each one of us have to be careful and not allow the enemy to place the seeds of doubt in our lives; he will create the strategy to defeat or overthrow our faith. Each one of us will face these new "territories" of faith; but it is in these places in which we see God reveal His character to us. We learn to recognize the provision of the ability of God in ways in which we have never seen Him act. We see God in a fresh and new way in our lives and these circumstances begin to produce an even stronger faith as we see God at work in our circumstances. Many of us are facing some of these challenges of our faith; do not let the enemy work his strategy against you. Maintain your trust in God and offer your praise to God for all of those times in which He divinely intervened in your circumstances and you were able to see His hand of provision. October 8: I would like to remind you of a weekly service that is taking place in Radcliff, KY. We are meeting to worship God, preach the Word, and intercede for the needs of our nation. You are welcome to join us at the Woodland Elementary School (cafeteria) at 7:00 PM. Due to the seeting arrangements feel free to bring your own chair. The school is located at 6000 S. Woodland Drive in Radcliff. Feel free to share this information with family or friends who may live in Radcliff or one of the surrounding communities. Radcliff is located adjacent to Ft. Knox if you have family or friends stationed at that base.

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