Wednesday, August 15, 2012

How Do I Respond to the Voice of God?

Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with Me.   Revelation 3:20 (New International Version NIV)

What is the difference between a “believer” and one who has surrendered to Christ? There is a difference between someone who truly listen and pays close attention to the information/direction that is being shared.  Do I take the time to hear what God does say or do I just allow His Words to "go in one ear and out the other?"  Did your parents ever use that example with you as they were trying to help you understand that you needed to improve your listening skills?  I believe the Spirit is telling the family of God that we need to improve our listening skills. 

Ron Allen shares this illustration that spoke to my heart and hopefully you will allow the Spirit to open your understanding to the principle that is being offered to us.  "If you were to come to my home, I would invite you in as an honored guest. As my guest, you would enjoy everything I had in my home. However, you would still be a guest. You would not have the keys to the home, and your authority in that home would be merely as a guest. However, if I said to you that I am turning over my home to you and you now have the keys to my home, I would be your servant. This is the difference. Many of us have merely invited Jesus into our home as a guest. I have given Jesus the keys to my home [heart] and I am his servant."

I desire for Christ to be more than a "guest" in my life.  I desire for Him to lead, guide, and direct my life and I must learn to listen attentively if that is going to be fulfilled in my life.  Will you join with me in that commitment today?

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