Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Loving God, Part 2

"But everyone who hears these words of Mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand." Matthew 7:26

It is easier to tell God that I love Him than it is to show Him that I love Him.  The proverbial statement, "Words are cheap", may be very appropriate for the thought today.  I believe that obedience to God can be one of the spiritual measuring sticks that we can use to either prove or disprove our love for God.  I do not want this post to sound harsh but I do think that each of us need to answer the challenge that Christ extends in this portion of scripture in Matthew 6.  My obedience or lack thereof will reveal either that I am a foolish man or it will reveal that I am a wise man.  The choice is mine and the final decision rests with me.  God provides the options and even reveals the benefits of making the right choice.  It does sound simple but life has a way of presenting to us those complicated matters which require a true searching of our hearts to ensure that each of us are prepared to walk in full obedience.  In all honesty each of us can attest to the fact that some areas of obedience are easier to navigate than others. 
There are those times in life in which we are eager to jump in and take matters into our own hands.  There are also times in which we don't take time to think and talk with God about the circumstances that we are facing.  Each of us know that we should consult with God regarding our life but we get into a hurry and do what we think is correct and pleasing to God.  There are times that we may stumble into disobedience because we failed to seek after God's direction for our lives.  We must learn to seek God in every area of our life and let Him know that we want to please Him and glorify Him in all that we do and say.  A heart that is filled with a desire to live in obedience to God will bring the blessings of God upon us even as we walk down the difficult road of daily struggles and challenges.  The old hymn declares; "Trust and obey for there is no other way..."  God is looking for people who will trust and obey His commands and directions.

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