Friday, June 24, 2016

Friday's Challenge

James 4:8a, "Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you..." (KJV)

This passage of scripture has been on my mind this morning. These words continued to resonate in my heart during prayer time. I have heard this passage preached and I have preached this passage on many occasions in my ministerial life. But these words may be more important now than ever before. Many Christians supposedly believe that we are living in the days which could very well usher in the return of Jesus Christ. Christians have been looking for Him to return since He ascended back to Heaven at the conclusion of His earthly mission to planet Earth. I still believe that His promises are true but I do not know the exact time that these promises will be fulfilled. My responsibility is to live each day in such a manner that I am prepared to leave this world regardless of the time.

This passage reinforces that need to me as I read and re-read the powerful words. These words contain both a "call" from God as well as a promise from God. I am called to release my faith and take the first step, "Draw nigh to God", and then God will follow through on His promises to those who obey Him, "and he will draw nigh to you." I truly believe that God is calling the modern day church to take the first step, "Draw nigh to God." But we need more people to heed the call than just a small group of believers. We need a stirring or awakening that will cause each of us to open our hearts to this challenge in the Word of God. But then we must allow this stirring or awakening to thrust us into an all out pursuit of God and the promises that He has prepared to release in our individual as well as corporate lives. 

I want to leave you with some questions to ponder as you reflect on this passage of scripture.

1) Am I truly serious about drawing closer to God?
2) Am I truly committed to the process of the ongoing development of my relationship with God?
3) Am I truly passionate about my walk with Christ? Does it actually take first place in my priorities or is it "something" that I will get around too when I have time?
4) Do I truly sense that I am drawing closer to God or does it really matter to me?
5) Do I get tired of hearing the Preacher or Teacher tell me that each of us needs more of God in our lives?

Have a wonderful weekend!! 

1 comment:

  1. Very good Word, Mike. I fully agree. As a follower of Christ, we must be willing to accept His leadership and disciple. He must take first place in our lives. God Bless.
