It is a beautiful, clear, cloud free and cool morning in Kentucky. It is another wonderful day to offer praise and thanksgiving to our God. Isn't God worthy of our praise this morning? We need to stop waiting for "another blessing" to come our way. God has already revealed His faithfulness to us and to His Word many times in our lives. I trust that this post will encourage you to shout out "Praise the Lord" in recognition of God's goodness and His graciousness.
A little over ten years ago God began to deal with my heart about the need for another great Spiritual Awakening in America. That inspiration was so challenging to me that I resigned the church that I was serving in Louisville, Kentucky and set in motion a journey that I continue to this very day. I arose and prayed this morning with that same desire/same dream/same sense of urgency and same desperate prayer in my heart. I sense the need for this "Spiritual Awakening" ever more today than I did in late 2005 and early 2006. In my opinion our nation has traveled further down the slippery slope of rebellion and disobedience to God. BUT I STILL BELIEVE AND STILL PREACH THAT JESUS CHRIST IS STILL THE ANSWER FOR OUR NATION!!!
I confess that I still preach that message with a sense of urgency, compassion, concern and faith. I believe that God is at work and I have witnessed snippets of that Awakening at various intervals over the past ten years. I am seeing "snippets" of His Awakening during this time in my life. These moments of confirmation serve as an impetus to continue this pursuit of God and the pursuit of people who will respond to that call from God. I want to share one of those "moments" with you from this past Sunday morning.
I made a statement in the message that I don't remember ever making before in my many years of preaching. This is the gist of what I said. I declared that I was praying for people to awaken after a night's sleep and feel a very strong sense of hunger in their body. But the hunger would not be satisfied with food but only "more of God's presence" would satisfy the hunger that was in their hearts. As soon as I said those words, I heard the enemy whisper these words to my spirit. "That is the most foolish thing that you have ever said. This group of people with think that you are crazy offering this concept to them." All of these thoughts were travelling through my mind as I was sharing the remainder of the message. Needless to say, but we were blessed with a powerful outpouring of His Spirit in the altar service.
I was still standing the area of the altar when a young man from the congregation approached me and shared these words with me. "Pastor Mike, I got up this morning hungry but I did not want food. I knew that I was hungry for more of God in my life. I knew that I was hungry to draw closer to God. I knew that I was hungry to learn more about God."
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