I would like to share three personal observations for this past week or past weekend. Due to our modern technology we are able to have instant news reports both good as well as bad at our fingertips. This accessibility can create both positive as well as negative emotional reactions. This accessibility is also a reason that I believe that it is imperative that we rely on the presence of God's grace in our lives. We never know what we will hear about or what we may personally face throughout the course of the day but we can rely on the promise that God will never leave nor forsake us.
First, this past week saw the city of Louisville as well as our nation say good-bye to Muhammad Ali, the three time Heavyweight Boxing Champion of the world. He was also heralded as a Humanitarian who shared good will as well as financial support for various causes throughout America as well as various countries of the world. He was also recognized as a peacemaker by many who spoke at his memorial service. Our city has experienced an outbreak of violence and murder over the past few months but for a few days the citizens of this community put their "best foot forward" and there was a lack of violence for a period of time. Even the Chief of Police remarked that it would be great if this atmosphere would remain present after the burial of Muhammad Ali. But less than 24 hours later the violence had returned to our city and one of the shooting victims was a policemen (He is still recovering in the hospital.). Will we ever learn that true transformation can only come through the indwelling presence of Jesus Christ in our lives?
Second, we were awakened on Sunday with the terrible news of the shooting rampage in Orlando, Florida. The number of causalities will place this massacre at the top of the list for the largest number of deaths at any mass shooting in our history. Does it concern anyone that it is very possible that this record will be broken one day? Where is the respect for the lives of others? Is the Golden Rule also irrelevant in this day and time? The same group of people who have declared God and the Bible irrelevant must have also declared the Golden Rule irrelevant. I am truly thankful that I was taught that these two principles are relevant. I am truly thankful that I still believe that these two principles as well as the principles of Truth found in the Bible are relevant!! Will we ever learn that true transformation can only come through the indwelling presence of Jesus Christ in our lives?
Third, our Sunday service at New River was highly anointed and very encouraging to those who sat in the sanctuary that day. God is aware of all of the feelings of inadequacy that we sense and feel in our daily lives. "His love will never fail, His love will never give up on us and His love will never run out for us." It was an encouragement when several individuals stepped forward during the invitation (Yes, I gladly admit that I sill give invitations.) and received strength, grace and mercy from their Heavenly Father. I have received two personal testimonies from various individuals that related to me a miraculous intervention from God during this service. I give God PRAISE, ADORATION AND WORSHIP for revealing His ministering presence in our lives!! Will we ever learn that true transformation can only come through the indwelling presence of Jesus Christ in our lives?
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