I wanted to take a few moments and reflect on the events of this past weekend. First, I trust that all of the Fathers enjoyed your special day on Sunday. It is encouraging to see our families, our local churches as well as our nation honor the men who seek to live a life that is worthy of emulation. I have been blessed to have crossed paths with many wonderful, godly men who have made a difference in my life. I was able to take a few minutes and reflect on them at some point over this past weekend. I still have a few phone calls that I will make over the next few days in which I will share my words of appreciation with some individuals. I trust that someone reached out to you with some kind and encouraging words that made you realize that their life has truly made a difference in your life. The good men of our nation certainly need the affirmation of their family, friends, and local church family!!
I was able to serve as a support staff at a Ladies Ministry event at our local church on Saturday. This time of ministry was led and directed by my wife, Ann. This event was designed to be a time to celebrate the fact that each person has a "story to tell" concerning their life and their walk with Christ. This goal was more than accomplished through music, dramatic monologues, testimonies, and personal fellowship during meal time. You could truly sense the presence of God as each individual lady realized that her life was important and that she was a "story that was worth telling" to the people that God places in her life. It was an amazing time in the presence of the Lord and I truly believe that each of the ladies that were present were impacted through this time of ministry. Let me remind you today that "you have a story to tell" and that God is definitely interested in YOU as He is in anybody else.
Sunday developed into a very unique service in which we honored the men that was present in the service with somewhat a focus on the Fathers that were present. I may use these words at various times but I truly felt that "the Holy Spirit" had instructed me about the conclusion of the service. I truly believe that the manhood of America is under attack. I say that from a spiritual perspective as I identify the moral and spiritual climate of our nation. Our families, our churches, and our nation is in need of MEN who will step forward in boldness, dedication, sincerity and courage and offer themselves to God as a living sacrifice. I asked the men to accept the challenge to become a Joshua 24 man, "...as for me and my house we will serve the Lord." The men of our nation can no longer afford to sit idly on the sideline. Each of us must rise to the occasion and accept our Biblical responsibility to make a difference in this world in a positive manner. I concluded this service by anointing and praying over each man. This time of prayer included the adult men, the young adult men, the teenage men, the male children in Children's Church as well as the male babies. It was an amazing sight to behold as men brought their young children either by their side or in their arms to be anointed. I will never forget Father's Day 2016 at New River Worship Center!!
FYI: I spent a nice portion of the afternoon with my wife, children and grandchildren. I am not all business, I do have some time in which I relax and enjoy myself.
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