Yesterday's post reminded us of the need to live a life that recognizes the importance of thankfulness. We need to be willing to offer our sincere appreciation to God but also be willing to offer our appreciation to those people around us that God uses on a daily basis. Have you ever noticed the smile that will come over the face of a soldier, policeman, firemen, or any other "servant" when you offer words of appreciation and thankfulness to them? The words we speak reminds them that someone has taken notice of their service and I believe those words also remind them that their service was and is appreciated.
Is it possible that we can "forget" God and begin to take his blessings for granted? Is it possible that we can begin to live a life that demonstrates an attitude of "spiritual entitlement?" We begin to act as though God "owes" us His blessings or that He already knows that I am thankful without me having to express those feelings to Him? I am merely sharing these questions to cause us to stop and think about our attitudes toward God. Have you ever heard these words from a song that I have heard as well as sang? "When I think of His goodness and what He has done for me..." I fully understand that we can not remember it all or tell it all but there are those times in which we need to allow the feelings of thankfulness to be expressed through the words that we speak.
Yesterday I shared a scripture passage that referenced a wonderful encounter with Jesus Christ that came to a group of lepers. Earlier today I read some words that gives insight to the disease of leprosy. Let me share them with you.
Leprosy is a debilitating, snarly and a painful disease from a slow growing bacteria causing a loss of feeling in the arms and legs, along with muscle weakness. In Jesus’ day not only was this condition hideous to the eyes—an inflicted person was ostracized from the community. At the very moment the sick individual needed care and support—they were isolated. So, healing by Jesus was an extraordinary relief for the ten lepers—an event that pricked a scared society’s soul. A hug from a healthy person felt awkward—aches were replaced by joy! Remarkably, the twice shunned foreigner took time to thank Jesus. Love enjoys the gift, but also thanks the gift giver! (Emphasis added)
Yes, we need to be thankful for the blessings that God shares with us but we also need to be thankful for the source of those blessings!! Will you take some time today and turn your attention away from the blessings and turn your attention to God?
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