2 Thessalonians 1:3, "We are bound (ought, should) to thank God always for you, brethren, as it is fitting, because your faith grows exceedingly, and the love of every one of you all abounds toward each other," (NKJV) (Emphasis Added)
I would like to share a portion of the passage that we studied and discussed at the Adult Discipleship Class last night at New River. For the past several weeks we have been reminding ourselves that the presence of Grace is more than just at the time of our conversion. We certainly understand and believe that it is "conviction" that draws us into the presence of the Grace of God. The Spirit reveals sin to us and then the Grace of God teaches us that God's Grace will forgive, forget and restore us to a right relationship with our Heavenly Father. This action of God and our response to this action of God allows us and encourages us to sing the words from Amazing Grace with a different outlook and point of view. We now sing the song as Children of the Most High God and realize that God has adopted us into His family. Can I get a rousing AMEN?
But the Grace of God does not end at the moment of Conversion and Adoption. Our Conversion and Adoption brings us into the ever present work of Grace in our lives. Grace leads us to fellowship with other believers and this fellowship leads us into life changing relationships. Many of these relationships will make a definite impact on our spiritual journey with Christ. God will place the right people in our lives at the right time and He will use these various individuals as instruments of encouragement, discipleship, teachers, mentoring, prayer partners, etc.
The Apostle Paul was reminding himself as well as reminding the believers in Thessalonica to be thankful for their brothers and sisters in Christ. I do not think that we share our appreciation and thankfulness with each other enough. Each of us needs to be thankful for those individuals that God has placed in our lives and we fully realize that He has used them to assist us in the development of our spiritual relationship.
I am going to issue the same challenge that I made to the students last night. Take some time this week and focus on remembering some of the individuals that have definitely made an impact in your spiritual journey. You may feel led to call them, email them, text them, write them, or even speak to them at your local church. These means of connection would allow you to "thank" them for taking the time to invest in your life. I have already thought about several individuals who have made a difference in our journey of life. Encouragement is a "spiritual medicine" that will produce a positive effect in our lives.
Be an encourager today!! Take time to say THANKS to someone day!!
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