It is a wonderful blessing to be able to arise on Monday morning and realize that I witnessed the ministering presence of God over the past few days. God is certainly worthy of our praise, honor, appreciation and adoration. I was able to recognize the presence of God in several different situations and I was able to see once more that God was a "multi-dimensional" God who was able to respond to people at various points in their journey. The longer I serve Him the more that I am learning to trust Him. I wanted to take this moment and offer my heartfelt praise to God and realize that He is truly an "on time God" who shares His awesome love with us moment by moment.
Let me share with you some specific examples of the ministering presence of God.
1) I was able to witness the comfort and strength of the Spirit in the hearts and lives of a family who gathered together to celebrate the life of their loved one. The Homegoing Celebration reminded them of the presence of God in the life of this brother in Christ. Words such as faith, stability, kindness, example, hard working, caring, compassionate and many other words were used to describe the life of their family member. You could see the presence of God rise in the hearts of this family as a portion of the family of God gathered to offer their support and encouragement at this difficult time in their lives. Never discount the role that you can play as God uses you to pray for and encourage someone when they are walking through difficult valleys in their life.
2) I was honored to be able to participate in an awesome worship service at New River. The presence of God flowed through the Call to Worship song as we were reminded that we can live because He is alive. There is no doubt in my mind that the time of corporate worship was anointed, inspired and directed by the Holy Spirit. The words of the songs and the musical notes from the musicians resonated throughout the sanctuary. The worshipers in the congregation soon began to practice the Biblical command; "Let everything that hath breath Praise the Lord..." I can still sense the presence of God as I type these words. The flow of the Spirit continued into the message and it culminated with us praying for several individuals who expressed a need in their lives. GOD IS WORTHY OF OUR PRAISE!!
3) Finally this service concluded with three individuals being baptized in water. This celebration of Baptism was an outward testimony of what God was and is doing in their heart and life. Once again the presence of the Spirit was very evident as these individuals arose from the water under the influence of the ministering presence of the Spirit. The adoption of anyone into the Kingdom of God should never be overlooked or thought to be unimportant. Each individual is important to God and God responds to each step of faith that anyone chooses to take.
I have shared these words with a smile on my face and an overflowing joy in my heart as I realize that God is STILL AT WORK IN THE HEARTS OF PEOPLE ACROSS OUR NATION AND WORLD!! Don't stop praying for a spiritual breakthrough in your community!!!
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