Saturday, January 1, 2011


Today we begin a 365 day journey with many questions, ideas, plans, and dreams.  Each of us are unaware of all of the situations and circumstances that we will face on a daily basis.  Some of us may be facing  economic uncertainty; some may be facing health issues; some may be facing family or martial issues and a litany of many other issues that may be personal and private.  But each of us have one thing in common; we all face the opportunity to trust God when these circumstances begin to arise in our lives.  We can place our hope and our faith in the promises of God knowing that He was faithful to us during the year of 2010.  We look back over the past year and offer God sincere thanksgiving for the victories that we have won and we look ahead and offer God praise for our future provisions that come through His awesome mercy and grace.  We use the phrase "Happy New Year" knowing that each day may NOT be full of joy and happiness as we walk down the road of life.  But we can use the phrase, "Have a Blessed New Year" knowing that we can rely on the presence of God to reveal the blessings that we need as we navigate our way through the daily pace of our life.  

Let me leave you with this passage that we studied in Bible Study this past Wednesday night.  Proverbs 3:5-6, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not to your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths" (NKJV).  Each and every day of 2011 will be full of opportunities to place our trust in God.  Each and every day will be full of opportunities to acknowledge Him and allow Him to direct and order our paths.  Do not enter this new year with fear or doubt; enter this new year will bold confidence in God and the promises of His Word.

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