Monday, January 17, 2011

Weekend Review

This past week was very busy between therapy sessions and ministerial opportunities.  I am certainly thankful for all of the opportunities that God provides for me to share the Good News of the Gospel and to be able to see the impact that the Gospel has on the lives of individuals.  God will present many of those opportunities to each of us but we must be willing and prepared to walk through the open door that God presents.  I truly believe that people are looking for someone who will share the truth and demonstrate the love and concern of God as they are sharing that truth.

Thursday and Friday found me in conversation with some Christian leaders.  It was a wonderful time of  the exchanging of ideas, plans, desires, and goals.  One thing came to my attention this morning as I was in prayer.  There are times in which it is difficult to share the deep feelings of your heart.  There are times in which it is difficult to share those things that God has placed on your heart especially when they call you to step out of the box of normal procedure and action.  There are times that it is difficult to explain those things that God has placed in your heart as you have prayed and cried out to God.  I am not making these statements in a heart of negativity or rejection rather I am reminding you of the complexity of God and the simplicity of man.  We may even be able to reverse that statement; man has a way of making obeying God complex while all the time God in a plain and simple manner is revealing the path that we should follow.  I do not want to be guilty of making the work and plan of God so complex that people will fail to see the heart and mind of God which is revealed in the message of the Gospel.  God has a plan to save mankind and His plan includes using you and I to accomplish that goal.  Will each of us willingly offer ourselves to Christ as a servant that is available to perform the will of the Master?

Sunday found me in the pulpit of New River Worship Center in Radcliff, KY.  This church plant is a little over one year old and we are seeing the presence of God reveal Himself in a marvelous manner.  This past Sunday was no exception as we gathered to offer our praise and honor to God.  We are seeing the Spirit of God touch the lives of believers as well as non-believers.  God is moving in this outreach effort and I am thankful to be able to participate with God in His plan for the community of Radcliff.  This month of January has found me sharing from Isaiah 43 concerning the "New Things" that God is able to provide for His people.  God has provided us with a memory which allows us to look back and faith which allows us to look forward into our future.  But neither of these were meant to cause us to overlook our present walk with Christ.  God is at work NOW in our lives! RIGHT AT THIS MOMENT God is at work in your walk with Him.  Take some time and identify the transformation that is taking place in your life today.  Do not resist the work of the Spirit rather embrace the work of the Spirit so that the plan of God can be accomplished in you.  I am excited about 2011 and the ministerial opportunities that it holds for each of us.  The disciples were able to identify the harvest that would appear in four months but Jesus told them to look at the fields at the present time and realize that they were ripe for harvest.  The same faith that will encourage you to look to the future will also encourage you to look at the present.

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