Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Change of Atmosphere

I trust that each of you took the time yesterday to reflect on the men and women who have volunteered their service to our nation so that we could live in freedom. This morning I am thinking of the "spiritual leaders" who have given their life for the sake of the Kingdom of God. These are wonderful men and women of God who loved God more than their own lives. They were willing to offer themselves as living sacrifices on the altar of servanthood so that the message of the Gospel could be shared in our world. Some of you reading this blog today are those people and to you I declare a great THANK YOU. Thank you for leading the way and being faithful to God and to the call that He placed on your life. To those of you that I refer to as the "support staff" I also declare a great THANK YOU. Thank you for your willingness to come along side of these Gospel Ministers and provide the support, encouragement, prayer covering, and assistance that has allowed them to share the Word of Hope with this generation. God has not and He will not forget your acts of service to this great cause of Christ. Blessings on your walk with God as you continue your journey through life. I want to take a moment and share what the Lord taught me last night in the service. During the worship service we were in the midst of "singing our songs." There was a good feeling in the service yet something begin to take place that was unique and different. The Worship Leader began to sing this song; "Holy Lord, Holy Lord, are You..." It was at this moment that you could feel the atmosphere of the church service begin to change. We moved from singing to worshipping. We moved from the mere expression of words into heartfelt adoration of the King of Kings. We moved from the outer courts of routine into the inner court of fellowship and communion with the Loving God who desired to draw us near to His presence. This time of Worship and Adoration opened the door of ministry time for the Word and for a season of prayerful intercession for ourselves and for each other. I have come to understand this principle; when we turn the attention from ourselves to Him the atmosphere of the service will change. The Lord also taught me that I need to focus, concentrate, and dedicate myself to making sure that I turn my attention to Him and to Him alone. After all, He is worthy of our praise and adoration. In recent meetings the Lord has revealed that principle to me and I felt impressed to declare that understanding to you. Make it your desire to move from the outer court of routine into the inner court of heartfelt Worship and notice the change in your personal life as well as the services that you attend.

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