Monday, May 11, 2009

Weekend Review

I trust that each of you had a wonderful Mother's Day weekend. It is always a pleasure and honor to be able to recognize those special people that God has placed in our lives. I am blessed with a wonderful Mother who has invested in my life in so many ways. I am also blessed with a wonderful wife who God placed in my life over 37 years ago. God has certainly given me a "help meet" who has been at my side in these many years of ministry service to the Kingdom of God. My wife is a "great" mother and grandmother who is now investing herself in our family and the needs that they face on a daily basis. God has used my wife as an intercessor over the years of our marriage; not only for her immediate family but also for those that we have served during the Ministry. I can certainly rejoice and reflect on the blessings of God that He has provided me through the love of my mother and wife. This weekend reminded me of the need to be thankful for all the people that God has placed in my life. God has used many people to shape and mold my relationship with God. These people of influence have taught me much about God and about the reality of life. I have learned the need to offer my time and service to others. I have learned the joy of offering my life in service to God. I have learned the joy of surrendering my life to the Will of God. I could continue listing those Christian lessons that I have been taught by these people of influence that God has placed in my life at strategic times. Each of you could speak the names of parents, grandparents, pastors, teachers, employers, etc. that have influenced your life in a positive way. I feel God encouraging me to remind the readers of this blog that we not only need to appreciate those people that God has put into our life but we need to express that appreciation to them. Don't miss the opportunity to express sincere appreciation to those who have played a role in your spiritual, physical, financial, and emotional development. We are thankful that they took the time to invest in our lives and we are thankful that they loved us enough to care. Take some time today and express thanks to those people that God has placed in your path of life. We were blessed to participate in an anointed service at New Day Worship Center in Lancaster, Kentucky. The local body welcomed us with a warm spirit of friendship and Christian love. It is always a blessing to be able to worship with the Family of God. Several people responded for prayer at the end of the message; burdens were lifted, hearts were encouraged, and the lives of people were influenced by the presence of the Spirit. We were blessed to be able to share the Word of God and pray with the people during the prayer time at the close of the service. Let us always remember to pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ; many of our "family" are facing situations in which they need the intervention and direction of God.

1 comment:

  1. i enjoyed the service very much thank you soo much for that wonderful word

    nathan todd
