Friday, July 1, 2016

What Will We Celebrate?

It seems that people are looking for something to celebrate. Fellowship parties always draw a larger crowd than Prayer Meetings. A few weeks ago some people estimated that over million people gathered in the streets of downtown Cleveland to celebrate the NBA Championship of the Cavaliers. Many of them spent the whole day waiting on the champions to arrive and say the same things that they had been saying since they won game 7 on Father's Day. There is nothing wrong about celebration (I celebrate God every opportunity that I have presented to me.) but in my opinion we do need to remember whom or what  we are celebrating.

July 4th is just a few days away. The business establishments that are selling fireworks have been open for a few weeks now. People are stocking up on hotdogs, hamburgers, drinks of all types, charcoal, chips, condiments, etc. People are preparing to celebrate although many of us may have forgotten what we are truly celebrating. July 4 will mark the 240th birthday of America as a nation. Our nation existed prior to July 4, 1776 but on that particular date our Forefathers chose to make the final decision to break away from England and establish a nation that would be based on freedom. Historical manuscripts reveal that these early pioneers leaned on the promises of God and actively asked God to be with them on this new journey to freedom. They looked for freedom based on the fact that they were placing their trust in God to guide their decisions both at the present as well as in the future. I just wonder, "Is that true among our leaders today?"

Would you look at this scripture passage with me for a moment? John 15:12-14, “ This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. 13 Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends. 14 You are My friends if you do whatever I command you.” (NKJV)

WE MUST ALWAYS REMEMBER THOSE BRAVE MEN AND WOMEN WHO HAVE OFFERED THEIR SERVICE TO OUR NATION IN THE ARMED FORCES!!! I am proud to report and declare that these men and women are the true heroes that the citizens of America need to be honoring and applauding today. The police will close streets and halt traffic because a “celebrity" has arrived in town for an event yet our Veterans will have to wait several hours for medical treatment in overcrowded and outdated VA Hospitals. Does anybody see anything wrong with that picture that I just painted?  

Because of the valuable service of these men and women through these 240 years we still can celebrate FREEDOM OF RELIGION today. We can believe in and offer our heartfelt, sincere, genuine and authentic worship to the Lord God Almighty this morning. Although I must confess that the freedom to exercise our right to walk in the principles of Christianity is under attack. There was a time in America when a crisis arose in our nation that our governmental leaders as well as our spiritual leaders encouraged us to turn to God and seek His help. Now there is a very vocal element in our culture who seeks to blame Christianity and its followers as the cause of the crisis. What would our Founding Fathers truly say if they could speak?   

I would like to encourage you to remember the reason behind getting a day off from work on Monday!! I would like to encourage you to remember those brave men and women who have given their service to our nation so that we may have a party/celebration on Sunday as well as Monday!! I would like to encourage you to remember those brave men and women who are presently serving our nation in the Armed Forces!!


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