Saturday, September 5, 2009

Labor Day Weekend -- Thankful for Family

I am blessed to be at home on this Labor Day Weekend and spend it relaxing with my family. We have several times of fellowship planned over the next few days beginning with the Alabama vs. Virginia Tech ballgame tonight (ROLL TIDE!). I look forward to some quality time with my wife, children, and grandchildren. Each of us need to take time and express our sincere love to those whom God has placed in our lives. Each of us have been blessed with wonderful people who have made a great impact on our life and we need to take the time to express our appreciation. God reveals His love through those same people; we need to return that love with a heart of gratitude and thankfulness. Publicly, I want to thank my wife, our children, and our grandchildren for the blessing that they are to me. I am thankful for each one of you and the unique gifts that you bring to the dynamics of our family. Each of you are important to me and I want you to know that I love you! Thank you for your love, support and encouragement; you are truly a gift from God.

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