Monday, September 21, 2009

Weekend Review

The revival began with two wonderful services on Sunday. Pastor Debbie Harper and the local church body offered me a warm reception as we began our journey together this week. It is always a privilege to be able to worship with the people of this local body of believers; I have been privileged to be with them on several occasions over the past few years. Pastor Harper is doing a wonderful job in leading this church to reconnect with the heart of God. I identified several new families in the services on Sunday; I must remind us that God is calling us back to a re-identification with the Great Commission that Jesus issued as He left this world to return to heaven. We are called to reach this world with the message of the Gospel; that message will bring deliverance from the bondage of sin that plagues the lives of so many people. We must recommit our lives to the great cause of Jesus Christ and watch Him open the doors of opportunity to minister to people who are in need. Thank God for Pastors and churches who are seriously engaging this culture with the life changing message of the Gospel. I want to be faithful to the call from Christ; everyone needs to hear about the love of God and the provision that He made for their salvation. I have the privilege of being a part of an unique event this week. The Raceland,KY church and the New Hope church (Grayson, KY) are coming together for a joint revival this week. The first three services will be held in Raceland and the final three services will be held in the New Hope church. God is calling us to a "spirit of cooperation." We have allowed ourselves in the Body of Christ to develop a spirit of competition; our enemy is not our brothers and sisters in Christ. Paul reminded us that we do not "wrestle against flesh and blood"; he identified that we have an enemy "who walks about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour." We must turn our attention to that enemy and realize that he has plans for our defeat and demise. We must be alert to his tactics and to his methods that he will use against us. We need to realize that we need each other in the family of God and we can overcome the power of the enemy as we allow the Spirit of God to unify the people of God in the common cause of Jesus Christ. Could not the cause of Christ be defined in this statement of Jesus when He said "I came to seek and to save that which was lost." Dear God, give the modern day church the desire to reach the hurting, lost souls of our land and allow them to hear and see the Good News of the Gospel message. Blessings on you today as you go about your daily life sharing the love of Jesus Christ with people who are looking for hope. Christ is still the message of HOPE!

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