Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I am always amazed about the continuing revelation of God that is taking place in my life and in the lives of other believers. I am truly understanding and realizing that the work of God in my life is an on-going process. Recently I was in a class setting with my wife and she taught about process and product. She reminded us that you can not have a product without a process. She gave the examples of a house that is being built, a car that is being produced on an assembly line in a factory, bread that is being baked in a bakery, and finally a child of God that is going through the process of spiritual development. I was reminded of that this morning as I was reflecting on the work that is taking place in my life. Although I "know" Christ as my Savior I am learning more about Him everyday. I am sensing and seeing the revelation of God in my life. He is continually teaching me more about His heart, His character and that He desires for these revelations to be lived out in my life. Just think about it for a moment; Christ the Savior of the world desires to not only live in us but to live through us. He desires to reveal His heart of love, mercy, and compassion through our lives. I just keep asking myself, "Is my heart and life a true reflection of the heart of God?" Do people see Christ working through me? What type of ambassador or representative am I for Christ and His Kingdom? Meditate on these reflections today and allow the Holy Spirit to speak challenge and encouragement into your life. The Monday night service at Brecksville was an encouragement to many people. Once again we gathered to enter into the presence of God and receive His Word into our hearts. Several local churches were represented in the meeting; there were several testimonies of healing as well as those who received the baptism of the Spirit. God is at work in this meeting; lives are being changed and transformed. I witnessed men and women walking to the altar with tears streaming down their faces believing that God was truly interested in their circumstances. Once more I declare, "WE SERVE AN AWESOME GOD WHO IS AWARE OF EACH OF US! He knows us and He knows what we need. Just trust Him today and allow Him access to your heart and to your life. He is still in control and He desires to minister to you today.

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