Saturday, November 29, 2008


As we prepare to enter the season of Advent in Christianity we need to remember the great promise of the birth of Christ. God through Jesus Christ would draw near to humanity and we would be given the opportunity to be adopted into the family of God through the process of faith and trust. Jesus would offer Himself as a sacrifice for the sins of the world and through His death we would have the promise of eternal life. We need to be careful and not allow the "hype" of Christmas distract our attention from the true meaning of the birth of our Savior. I am glad that I do not need another "holiday" to remind me of my need to worship and adore the King of Kings. I am glad that I have decided to lift my voice and shout out praise to the One who willing came to die in my place and bring to me the opportunity of relationship with God. Let us declare this message this year with renewed passion and fervor.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Prayer for Today

Dear God, we are thankful for all of the blessings that you have provided for us. As we enter the Christmas season give us a greater desire to share the Good News of the Gospel with the people that you place in our lives. Give us a greater desire to serve you and offer ourselves a "living sacrifice" so that we can please You in all that we do. Give us a greater love for You and for the people that You have placed in our lives. We are thankful for all of Your Grace, Mercy, and Love. AMEN!

Thursday, November 27, 2008


We wanted to take this opportunity to wish each of you a Happy Thanksgiving. Today is a day in which family and friends will gather to eat a wonderful meal, enjoy sharing old stories and even some new stories, naps on the couch, and even catch a little football in between conversations. We look forward to our children and grandchildren joining us for lunch later in the day but surely there is more to Thanksgiving then the things that I have just mentioned. I am sure that I will enjoy some of each of the things that I mentioned but in the midst of all the challenges that people are facing I want to be able to show "true appreciation and thankfulness" to God for all that He has provided and continues to provide. Each of us need to take a moment and not just bow our head but bow our heart in an act of worship to God. He is the One who has provided for all of us and He is the One who releases the daily benefits in our lives. I just want to let Him know that I am grateful and thankful for Him and all that He has placed in our lives. We pray God's blessings on each of you today and we encourage you to continue your pursuit of a deeper relationship with Christ.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

God's Grace

As I prepare to begin my day I am reminded about the awesome presence of God's Grace. It is such a blessing to realize and understand that the Grace of God is present at all times and in all circumstances that we face. Even when we do not fully discern the presence of His Grace we can be encouraged to remember that He has promised never to leave us or forsake us. He has promised to accompany us down the road of life. Some of you today may be facing some challenging times but take comfort in the promise of His Grace. As we approach Thanksgiving Day let us give praise to God for His marvelous Grace; He has touched our lives in more ways that we can remember. Take a moment, bow your head and allow God to know how much you recognize and appreciate His Love, Grace, and Mercy that has been released in your life.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thankful Hearts

As I was reading my devotional this morning I came across these scriptures. Psalm 71:6: "You have been with me from birth; from my mother's womb you have cared for me. No wonder I am always praising you! (NLT). Psalm 31:7: "I will be glad and rejoice in your unfailing love, for you have seen my troubles, and you care about the anguish of my soul." (NLT) Matthew 6:30: "If God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you." (NLT) I Peter 5:7: "Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you." (NLT) In a few days we will celebrate Thanksgiving with our family and friends. Is my heart truly thankful for the blessings that God has provided? One of these blessings is the "great care" that God has provided for me and my family. It is such a blessing to recognize that God is truly interested in my life and my circumstances. God does not distance Himself from me but He desires to draw close to me in the cares of my life. Take a moment today and thank God for His wonderful care. Remember that He truly cares about you and the needs of your life.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Weekend Services

Thanks be unto God for His marvelous blessings! The Saturday night service at Browntown was amazing. The Lord challenged us to a lifestyle of "radical Christianity." The words of Jesus in Matthew 16 remind us that we are called to deny ourselves and follow Him. There is a price to pay if we are going to truly serve and please God. At the end of the altar time, the Worship leader felt led to lead the hymn, "The Old Rugged Cross." At the conclusion of the song one of the members of the congregation was directed by the Spirit for us to pray for those with physical needs. The power of healing and restoration was released in the service and several came forward for prayer. I am truly convinced that God responded to the obedience of their faith. It was a great blessing to be with Pastor Tanner, Sis. Kris and the Browntown congregation. The presence of the Holy Ghost was evident in the revival. Sunday found me at the Leesburg church with Pastor Andy Washburn and his wife, Rhonda. The Worship team was a great blessing as they led us into the presence of God. The Lord reminded us that in these uncertain times we can trust in the strength of God. The Lord has been declaring that truth in my heart the past few days. I am determined to trust in God regardless of what is happening in the world around me. The Sunday evening service was wonderful as once again people came forward to present their needs to the Lord. We can rejoice in the fact that God truly cares about us and what is happening in our lives. I was blessed to be able to be at Leesburg with the Washburn's and the local church body. On a personal note; I was honored that my parents, Wallace and Bennie Sue Willingham made the trip from Decatur, AL to be in the service. My dad who is a retired Pastor has preached at the Leesburg church many times over the years. Both my parents and the local church were blessed to be able to have a time of fellowship with each other. Friends and family are such a BLESSING to all of us as we travel the road called life. I am thankful for all the people that God has placed in our lives that have assisted us on our journey with God.

Saturday, November 22, 2008


During prayer this morning the Lord reminded me of a line of an old hymn; "Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus..." I am glad that I have learned and I am continuing to learn to trust in Jesus. As we look around our nation today there is not a lot of confidence regarding the future among people. I hear the words "lack of confidence" used by the investors on Wall Street; they are concerned about the future direction of the nation and this concern has caused major swings in the Dow Jones Average over the past several months. I am glad that we can still place our "confidence" in the Great, "I Am", of the Bible. He has not changed and neither has He lost any power or ability. As we are preparing for our Thanksgiving celebration take the time to remind your family and friends about the greatness of God and encourage them to place their confidence in Him and the authority of His Word. The service last night was highly anointed. The aisles were full of people who were seeking for more of God. Many of us decided last night we were not content with the status quo but we are committed to reach for all that God has planned for us. We are going to stop looking out the rear view mirror at where we have been and we are going to start looking out the windshield at where we are going. I encourage you to keep KEEP SEEKING AFTER MORE OF GOD!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Commitment to the Journey

During prayer and study time the Lord reminded me that I needed to stay focused on my journey with God. It is easy to become distracted by all that is happening around us and those events that are happening to us. I must keep the eyes of my heart; A.W. Tozer calls it the "gaze of my soul", focused on Christ and allow Him to guide the steps of my life. I must make the decision of commitment to Christ. I can not afford to walk aimlessly through this life; the enemy of my soul has a well planned strategy for my demise and defeat. But I can remember that the Lord is fighting for me and not against me. God has provided for my victory and not my defeat. Today, stay focused on where you are headed and who you are in Christ Jesus! I am anticipating another encounter with God at service tonight. The Lord's presence has been revealed and released in each of the services; God is responding to the cry of our hearts. We must keep walking after God and allowing Him to develop our relationship with Him. Oh, to know God in a deeper, fuller measure if the desire of my soul.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Last night's service at Browntown was very unique. The presence of the Lord was evident from the very beginning of the service. God used the Worship team to challenge our hearts regarding our desire to seek after God. The special singers shared "sermons" and not just songs. The words of the songs were a direct statement from heaven regarding our walk with Christ. My heart was very full when I arose to share the message with the congregation. I shared about this being a "season of blessings." I fully understand that these are very serious and uncertain times in which we live. As a matter of fact we are traveling in "uncharted waters" with regards to the economic crisis that is affecting our world. But in the midst of these difficulties I sincerely believe that God is and will continue to provide the blessings that we need. As I moved toward the conclusion of sharing the Word something caught my attention in the pulpit stand. I noticed a container of the self contained Communion cups; those with the combination of bread and juice. Immediately the Lord encouraged me to lead the service in a time of celebration of Communion. I am not the Pastor but I felt in my spirit an urgency to celebrate the sacrifice of Christ on the cross. I asked Pastor Tanner permission (I am sure that I put him on the spot) to lead the Communion service. I must hasten to add; I have never taken that action in any other Revival meeting. Pastor Tanner agreed with what I felt and he assisted me by providing the sacrament to the congregation. We proceeded in a wonderful time of sharing Communion with each other. I also felt led of the Lord for the families to gather together after the elements of Communion were served for a time of prayer for each other. (NOTE: After the service Pastor Tanner shared that the Lord had already dealt with him concerning the families praying for each other. Isn't it amazing when God is in control of the service?) I felt led to instruct the family to pray "prayers of blessing" over their family members. We entered into a season of prayer and we begin to minister to one another as the Spirit led. Each of us need to pray blessings over each other; the enemy is seeking our destruction and demise but God is releasing abundant life in us through the power of the Spirit. Rebuke destruction and walk in LIFE!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Looking Forward

Drawing closer to God has been a desire of my heart for a great portion of my life. In the past few years this desire has intensified as I have sensed the presence of God in a fresh and new way. I fully understand that the enemy will do all in His power to hinder my pursuit of God and He will use any means and methods at his disposal to interfere in my journey with God. I must refuse to let him weigh me down with baggage and garbage that will hinder my race of life. I must turn my heart to God with renewed passion and fervency. I must re-dedicate myself to a lifestyle of commitment to the great cause of the Kingdom of God. I refuse to allow the enemy to distract me from my intended goal; my goal is a relationship with God that is transforming me into the person that God desires. I must not stop short of that goal; I must run the race of life with purpose and daily surrender. The services at Browntown have been anointed and powerful. The Spirit of God is challenging all of us through the Word and through the revelation of the Spirit in the altar (alter) services. Victories are being received; God is preparing all of us for the harvest. We must be prepared to follow after God with great resolve and passionate love; these are not the days to grow cold or indifferent. God is calling all of us off the sidelines; this is not the time to be a spectator. Become involved in what God is doing in this world through the revelation of His Kingdom power. We must surrender to the King of the Kingdom!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Provision of God

Life has a way of bringing moments of overwhelming challenges to us. We often find ourselves exhausted. This exhaustion can be spiritual, physical, emotional or even financial. It is during those times in which we need to look to God who has the resources to bring us peace and rest even during those times of exhaustion. This morning I read a portion of Psalm 23 in the New Living Translation. I would like to share a few of the verses with you; "The Lord is my Shepherd; I have all that I need. He lets me rest in green meadows; He leads me be beside peaceful streams. He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to His name." My heart was enriched as I remembered times in our lives in which God provided what we needed. I remembered those times in which both my body and spirit were worn down by the difficulties of the moment yet God would send the refreshing presence of His rest. I remembered the times that we were at intersections in our lives and we needed to know the direction that God would have us to travel and God revealed the way to us. I could continue in my remembrances but I feel led to encourage you to reflect on the promises of the Great Shepherd. Even more than the promises is the presence of the One who has made the promises. We can walk with hope and courage today regardless of what we are facing; God is there leading the way even when we fail to recognize Him. The service last night was wonderful. The Worship time focused on the "greatness of God." We must remember that God is still in charge of our lives and we need to remember His power and authority. Several people received the ministering power of the Spirit during the altar (alter) services. God desires to transform our lives if we will yield to Him.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Weekend Review

The Lord's presence was very near to all of us who attended the Sunday services at the Browntown, AL church. Several responded to the call from the Lord during the altar invitation. I truly believe that God desires to meet us at the point of our need. God has not planned for us to walk the road of life alone; He has made provision for His Spirit to come along side of us and assist us on the journey. It becomes our responsibility to respond to the call of the Spirit and allow Him into our lives. We can not keep God at arm's length, we must allow Him to draw near and release His presence into our lives. Pastor Tanner, Sis. Kris and the entire church family provided a warm welcome into their local church body. I am anticipating a mighty outpouring of the Spirit as we press into the presence of God this week. I wanted to remind you of this one thought. Do you realize that God has blessed you so that you can be a blessing to others? So many of us fail to remember that God has planned for us to help encourage, strengthen and pray for each other. We were not created to live isolated, lonely lives detached from one another. The family of God needs to take the time and make the effort to build up (edify) their brothers and sisters in Christ. We need each other and we need to offer our prayer support to each other. We are all facing our own unique set of challenges and situations; we certainly need the help and direction of God but we also need the care and concern of the people of God.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Personal Reflections

Today is a special day in our family. Our youngest grandson, Carson will celebrate his second (2) birthday; his parents are throwing a party in his honor tonight. This celebration reminded me of one of the great blessings that God has provided for me; it is the blessing of my family. Each member of my family has played a role in my spiritual development. I was a Minister when Ann and I married; that call has been on my life throughout our marriage. She has stood with me in this call and she has been willing to work with me regardless of the responsibilities that we were asked to accept. I just give God glory and praise for such a godly woman who desired to see the kingdom of God prosper even if it meant a challenging transition for our family. I am grateful for this great and wonderful blessing from God. God blessed our marriage with two wonderful sons who also were a vital part of the success that we have enjoyed in the field of ministry. Although there were certainly times in which our decisions brought them into the challenge of transition; they were willing to recognize that their parents were trying to follow the direction of God. In each of these moments of decision God always provided new friends, new opportunities and opportunities for them to grow and mature. As we move toward the Holiday season; I just wanted you and my family to know that I am both blessed and thankful for my family. I am excited about the return trip to Browntown, Alabama next week. It was a great blessing to be with Pastor Tanner and the local church earlier this year. I sense that God has great plans for the services.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Outpouring of the Spirit

My heart is rejoicing this morning as I reflect back on the services this week at the Cathedral church in Winchester, KY. I truly sense and believe that the lives of many people were impacted and influenced by the presence and power of the Spirit. I shared last night with the people that we need to walk in the strength of what God has deposited in our lives. We must run the race with endurance; we must be determined to walk in the blessings of God. We must participate with God; God keeps reminding me of that need in my life. I need to submit to God and allow His Spirit to work in my life. Will you join me in that process of surrender and yielding? These are the "days of the harvest" but you can not reap a harvest if you are not sowing seed. We need to keep "sowing" into the work of God through our service to Him and to those whom God places in our lives. We thank Pastor Douglas and the local church for welcoming us into their local church body and allowing us to share what the Lord placed in our hearts both in the sermons as well as the times of prayer during the altar (alter) services. We give God the glory for all that was accomplished in the services.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Moving Forward

As I was preparing my heart for the service tonight I was reminded of the need to set my desires in the direction of moving forward. The enemy desires to capture our desires so that we will remain content in our spiritual surroundings. I do not want to find myself only living in my experiences of yesterday as good as they may have been. I desire to be looking at where I am going and not looking back at where I have been. The writer in Hebrews talks about "laying aside every weight and the sin that so easily besets us"; this "laying aside" allows us to move in the direction that God is leading. We must allow the freedom of the Spirit to release us so that we can "run the race" with endurance, obedience, sacrifice and commitment. Are you ready to "run the race"? Are you reaching for the destiny that awaits? Are we content with the usual or do we desire all that God has planned and purposed for our lives? I desire to lay aside anything that will slow me down and I desire to pick up my cross and follow Him. Last night's service was very interesting and exciting. Even after many of the congregation had left the initial altar service several stayed for a time of prayer for their needs. Some of these had failed to respond during the initial invitation but knew they did not need to leave until they had an encounter with the Lord. It was inspiring to see the presence of the Spirit released in the lives of these individuals and to see them receive the ministering power of the Spirit. We must continue opening the doors of our hearts to God and allow His Spirit to minister to our lives. Stop resisting and start submitting!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Where Are We Looking?

Much is being said about the financial problems that are facing America. I am sure that all of us are concerned about the economic struggles that many Americans are facing at this present time. But I believe that we are at a crossroads in this nation; where are we putting our trust and confidence? Where are we looking for direction and in whom are we placing our trust? Last night in the sermon at Cathedral I felt impressed to tell the church that we need to "dig down deep and find the Rock on which to build our lives." The Bible teaches us about the houses (which could represent our lives) which are built upon the foundation of sand. Those houses could not resist the power and presence of the storms and winds that beat upon them. But the houses that were built upon the solid foundation were able to resist the storms and winds that came up against them. To be successful in this journey I must build upon the Rock called Jesus Christ and allow Him to direct my life. Each of us need to examine the spiritual foundation of our lives; we are in the midst of some stormy and challenging times yet we do not have to fall or fail. God through Jesus Christ has provided the victory, we can overcome the strategies of the enemy. Lift up your heart today and trust in Christ; He alone is our answer. The altar (alter) meeting last night was awesome. God was calling us to leave our past in the past and focus on where He desires to take us. I still believe that our future can be greater than our past if we will put our trust in God.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Weekend Services

The weekend services at the Cathedral church in Winchester, KY were wonderful. Pastor Douglas and the local church received us with open arms and warm Christian hospitality and fellowship. The worship team were excellent in leading us into the presence of God. Oh, how I desire to offer God praise and honor for all that He is in my life and the lives of my family. I just pray that all Christians once again will cherish and embrace the opportunity to offer God heartfelt praise and worship to God. During prayer today the Lord reminded me that we have made "going to church" a function of our religious routine. We need to realize that when we enter the church service it is our collective opportunity to have an encounter with God. Don't we all need an encounter with God? Don't we all need the transforming power of the Holy Spirit sweep over our lives in such a manner that people know that we have been in the presence of God? I desire more than emotional highs; I hunger for transformation. Join with me in seeking for true revival which will bring the process of transformation near to all of us. The altar services on Sunday saw a great response. Many people were under the influence of the ministering power of the Holy Spirit. People were receiving the baptism of the Spirit and many were being delivered and encouraged. God is ready to send strength, hope, and healing to His Body if only we will respond to His call. Are you prepared to respond? Are you ready to lay aside all that hinders you and run the race of Christian service to the best of your ability? This is the time to make the decision, step forward, and serve God with all of your heart. Our destiny awaits!

Friday, November 7, 2008


I have spoken many words in my life. I am sure that some of them were more harmful than they were helpful. I am trying to reverse that trend in my life; I desire that my words are words of help and encouragement. I am not just referring to the words that I use when I am sharing the Gospel in the pulpit; no, I am referring to the words that I speak in daily conversations with those people who come in and out of my life. What impression do I leave with them through the words that I have spoken? Do they consider me pleasant and do they enjoy the times of conversation that we share? I know that there are occasions in which those who are listening or reading can mis-interpret your words but I want those moments to be a very small portion of my life. I truly desire to be an encourager to those who are around me. I do not want people to see my coming and they chose to turn away and walk in a different direction. O God, help our actions and disposition be pleasant and helpful even when we are facing our own set of challenges. AMEN! I look forward to the meeting next week at the Cathedral Church of God in Winchester, Kentucky. I am blessed by the invitation of Pastor David Douglas. I anticipate a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit. I still believe the presence of God desires to send REVIVAL to our nation. O God, awaken the spiritual giant we call the "church."

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Kingdom Celebration

Last evening was the final service of the "Kingdom Celebration" at Keith St. Ministries in Cleveland, TN. The presence of the Lord was with us in a powerful way as people received salvation, sanctification and the baptism of the Spirit. It was a great source of encouragement to see the children and youth of the church in the altar crying out for the presence of God to be at work in their lives. I face tomorrow with great hope; you and I are not alone in our pursuit of God. God is raising up people who are determined to seek His face and to walk in the promise of His presence. We can not allow the pressures and anxieties of the world to create doubt in our lives; we must remain firm in our commitment to the principles of our faith in Jesus Christ. When I see the hunger that is being manifested in the lives of people of all ages it reminds me that God is truly at work and I need to join with Him in what He is doing in His Kingdom. After all HE IS STILL KING in His Kingdom and I am privileged to walk in the authority that He has released in my life. Praise Report: In recent days we have received phone calls from people testifying to their prayers being answered. The Lord knows these fellow believers as well as the needs that they were facing. I am reminded of the acronym PUSH: Pray until something happens. This is the time to pray, pray again, and then pray some more. Do not stop praying regardless of what the enemy places in your thought process. Remember that with God "all things are possible."

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Time for Faith & Confidence

Many of us went to bed last night realizing that our nation is moving in a new direction under President-Elect Obama. Some my agree with this decision and some may disagree with the decision of the voters. But all of us can agree that this is a time to release our faith and confidence in God. During prayer time this morning I was reminded that God is Sovereign; God still reigns in our individual lives as well as in this nation. We are living in the "last days" and these are the times in which our faith is being challenged. But this is not the time to throw in the towel of surrender but this is a time of intercession and crying out to God for a great spiritual awakening in America. We are taught in the Bible to pray for our leaders; I feel impressed to ask those of you who have been praying for the direction of the election to now pray with that same intensity for the soul of America. After all, our hope is not in man but our hope and trust is in God. God reigns in power, authority, grace and mercy. O God, stir my heart to change and revival. Let my soul be awakened to a deeper relationship with you. Stoke the fire of soul winning, evangelism, and outreach to our communities so that we can be salt and light in the world in which we are living. You have have placed us here to make a difference. AMEN!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Experiencing God!

It is such an honor and joy to walk in a relationship with God. I am thankful that God is calling all of us past the mundane and ritualistic attitudes of religion and He is calling us into a personal relationship through Jesus Christ. I shared with the service last night that I truly desire to walk in the blessings of the Kingdom of God. It is so easy to become comfortable and not allow my faith to be stretched and energized. All of us are facing situations in which we are being challenged to enlarge and release our faith. I want to be able to say yes to the Lord when He calls me to step out in faith regarding the needs that I have in my life. Many of you sense the same challenge taking place in your circumstances. The enemy desires to keep you in bondage but the Lord is calling you to freedom. I am choosing to listen to the voice of the Chief Shepherd and follow Him into a life-changing Journey. The altar response was tremendous last night. Once again we witnessed many people bringing their needs to the Lord; but we also witnessed people releasing their faith and believing that God was interested in their position in life. Always remember that the Lord is ever present and that He will respond to active and deliberate faith. Do not allow your faith to grow passive; release your faith on a daily basis and see God work in your life.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Weekend Services

We are enjoying a beautiful day of Fall weather in Cleveland, TN. Not only is the weather great but the services at Keith Street Ministries were filled with the beauty and anointing of the Spirit yesterday. Pastor John A. & Judy Stone are doing a wonderful job leading this congregation into a deeper pursuit of the presence of God. The worship experiences were awesome; last evening the Ladies of Lee came and ministered to us. The Lord used them to point us to Christ; we must remember that the Lord is relevant to our lives and to the needs that we are confronting. I reminded the congregation last night that the enemy of our soul does not want us to believe that God is interested in us but we must refute and refuse that lie from satan. God does care and God is aware of our journey and He stands ready to assist us. I sincerely feel that those principles need to be repeated to us so that we can deposit that truth deep in our hearts. The service last night was a special blessing to me and to those who attended the services. A large number of youth who were in the service responded to the invitation and allowed the Spirit to minister to their lives. It was a great source of encouragement to see young men and women crying out to the Lord for help. Tears were flowing, hands were raised in Praise, shouts of adoration were being lifted, and the gift of the Holy Spirit was operating in the lives of many of these young people. It was also a blessing to see the members of the Body of Christ ministering to these young people through intercessory prayer. Heaven had to enjoy the presence of love that was being released in the service last night. NOTE: Continue to pray for our nation as we approach election day 2008. Take time tomorrow to cast your vote. We are blessed to have that great privilege.