Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Where Are We Looking?

Much is being said about the financial problems that are facing America. I am sure that all of us are concerned about the economic struggles that many Americans are facing at this present time. But I believe that we are at a crossroads in this nation; where are we putting our trust and confidence? Where are we looking for direction and in whom are we placing our trust? Last night in the sermon at Cathedral I felt impressed to tell the church that we need to "dig down deep and find the Rock on which to build our lives." The Bible teaches us about the houses (which could represent our lives) which are built upon the foundation of sand. Those houses could not resist the power and presence of the storms and winds that beat upon them. But the houses that were built upon the solid foundation were able to resist the storms and winds that came up against them. To be successful in this journey I must build upon the Rock called Jesus Christ and allow Him to direct my life. Each of us need to examine the spiritual foundation of our lives; we are in the midst of some stormy and challenging times yet we do not have to fall or fail. God through Jesus Christ has provided the victory, we can overcome the strategies of the enemy. Lift up your heart today and trust in Christ; He alone is our answer. The altar (alter) meeting last night was awesome. God was calling us to leave our past in the past and focus on where He desires to take us. I still believe that our future can be greater than our past if we will put our trust in God.

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