Friday, January 30, 2009

Courage (Part 2)

As I travel throughout our nation I encounter people who are facing some very challenging situations in their lives. All areas of our lives are sensing these moments of tension, stress, anxiety and concern. What are we to do when we feel that our courage and strength is at a very weak and vulnerable point? We can remember the promise of Isaiah 41 and we can also reflect on the promise given in Joshua 1:9, "This is my command--Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." (NLT). The statements that I am referencing may sound simple yet they are full of strength and hope. Throughout our lives we will find ourselves in difficult situations--these may include times of danger, extreme stress, major illness, financial hardship, or any number of other problems. True courage comes from understanding that God is stronger than your biggest problem or greatest enemy. We must also understand that God is ready to assist us with His power and might so that we can be overcomers in the midst of these challenges. As I have said often, God will not walk away from us when times are bad; but I believe that His Word teaches that He will draw near when we began to cry out for His help. We will not be very courageous if we place our hope in our strength but we can find great courage when we place our confidence in the strength of the Lord God Almighty. Our hearts can be gripped with fear when we find ourselves feeling all alone but our courage can be renewed when we recognize that God is with us. We must learn to focus on the presence and promises of God and less on what is going on around us. I understand it is not always easy to chose that course of action but I can testify that your courage will be strengthened when you chose to recognize the nearness of God in your time of challenge.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Isaiah 41:10, "Don't be afraid, for I am with you. Don't be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand." (NLT). I referred in yesterday's posting to the ice and snow storm that we are facing in Louisville. This morning many people are still without electricity. I wrote to someone and told them that I was ready for Spring to arrive; I am tired of winter and I am looking forward to the seasonal change that will come. God in His great plan of creation ordered the seasonal changes and He does the same in our lives. We all go through seasons of our lives in which we are looking for the transition point; the point in which we move from one season of our life into another one that is full of hope and promise. As we travel through these seasons we must be reminded of the promises of God found in this passage in Isaiah. We can overcome our fears of the future because we know that God is with us. We can face discouragement because we can understand that God is in charge of our lives and that He reigns over all of the seasons of life even if they are difficult. God also promises to provide strength and help for us as we are passing through the valley of transition. Many of us have walked the roads of transition and we have found great encouragement in the fact that God is with us on the journey. God also reminds us that He will keep us from falling; we receive this through the promise of victory. We must remember that God is victorious over all of the challenges of life and that He never intended for us to travel this road alone. I just desire to trust Him more every day. Remember that it does not matter what season of life you may be facing; God has promised to be with you even to the very end of the world. We can find courage in the fact that God is with us regardless of the season of our life; we can thank God for His wonderful promises.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Weather Problems

We have been without electricity due to the ice and snow storm that has affected Louisville the past couple of days. We are thankful for the protection of God as well as the electricity being restored (at least for now) in our neighborhood. We could see the fury and power of nature as the storm moved through our area. Many people across the Midwestern part of the nation as well as the Eastern part are feeling the effects of the storm; but in the midst of the difficulties we are able to recognize the goodness of God. It is during moments like these that we are reminded about the things that we take for granted. We must guard our lives and not allow that spirit to have a continual impact on our thought process. We need to exhibit and practice heartfelt thankfulness and appreciation for all that God places in our lives. I desire to be truly grateful for all that God has and is providing for me and my family on a daily basis. Continue to pray for those people whose lives have been affected by this storm.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Challenges of Life

This morning I have been cleaning our driveway trying to remove the residue of the winter storm that is moving through our area today. We have a combination of snow, sleet, freezing rain and ice pellets. The weathermen predict that this afternoon and evening may even be worse as more moisture moves through this region. As I was shoveling the snow I was reminded of the service last night. Many of us face struggles with multiple circumstances and situations. We might be able to handle one struggle at a time but we have a greater struggle when we are having to deal with multiple situations. Last evening as I prayed with people in the altar service I could sense that many of them could relate to what I am writing this morning. They were looking at circumstances that looked so much larger than their faith. These seekers spanned all age groups; no age group is immune from the struggles of life. Jesus referred to them as mountains that appear in our lives. Just as our city is being surrounded by various weather systems so are our lives being surrounded by various difficulties and challenges. But let me remind you that it is during these moments of challenge that we make a decision to release our faith and trust in the promises of God. I know that it is not always easy to walk in the strength of God when your life seems to be filled with more problems than you have solutions. But remember this; the Kingdom of God is not going through a recession. God has not lost His Power, His Grace, His Mercy, nor His ability to have love and compassion for us. You are important to Him and He watches over you today. Rest in the arms of the Lord and allow His strength to carry you as a loving parent would carry their children. Lamentations 3:22-24, "Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. The Lord is my portion says my soul, Therefore I hope in Him." (NKJV).

Monday, January 26, 2009

Weekend Review

The services at Roberts Tabernacle in Westmoreland, TN were great on Sunday. The presence of the Lord was awesome as Pastor Tim & Sheena McCaleb and the local church welcomed us into their fellowship. We have been there in revival in the past and it was a great honor to be extended an invitation to worship with them. As I sat in the service and listened to the Worship Team lead the church and I listened to the Pastor share his heart from a passage of scripture I recognized that God had arranged a moment of divine encounter. The songs, the exhortation and a testimony of one of the Worship team members coincided with the Word that God had placed in my heart a few days before in prayer. Isn't God AWESOME as He reveals His direction in our lives? Why do we hesitate receiving those directions and confirmations? Why do we ignore the call of God that comes through the Word and our Worship experience? God has positioned us to receive His embrace of love and concern; it then becomes our responsibility to respond in faith and allow the Spirit to speak to the need that exists in our lives. I want to be ready to receive and I want to be open to His instruction and direction. Several people responded in the services and allowed the Lord to refresh them on their journey. I look forward to all that God has planned for those who will choose to attend the services and for me as I prepare daily to share what the Lord places in my heart. We must recognize that the Lord is at work in our lives. Will you and I choose to respond or will we push the "snooze" button and remain unaware of our spiritual surroundings? I sense that God desires to send a fresh awakening to all of us and yet many of the modern day church are comfortable with their present spiritual condition and they are failing to realize what they are missing. God has so much more for all of us if we would just learn to trust Him and listen for the leading of His Voice. My heart is yearning for such a relationship with Him and I am dedicated to doing my best to share this message with others. These are the days of Elijah and the Word of God is being declared with anointing and power. What will we choose to do with the Word from God? That is the question that all of us must answer.

Friday, January 23, 2009


First of all today, I want to offer praise and thanksgiving to God for the safe return of our nephew from Iraq. Derek arrived at Fort Hood earlier this week from his deployment. Due to family events Derek seems more like a grandson than he does a nephew; we are proud of his service to our nation and we are glad that God kept His hand on Derek and the other soldiers in his company. I am still praying and I urge you to continue praying for our military personnel and their families. Each of these men and women are making a great sacrifice so that we can enjoy our freedom in America. May God's blessings be upon our troops and their families. We should never take for granted our freedom and the price that has been and continues to be paid for that freedom. Psalm 91:14-15a, "The Lord says, I will rescue those who love me, I will protect those who trust in my name. When they call on me, I will answer..." (NLT). I have stated this often but it is worthy to be mentioned again, "The promises of God are true"; God does respond to His people when they call on Him. In every meeting that I conduct I am always encouraging people to lift their voices and cry out to God in prayer. Our adversary does not want us praying; our adversary wants us to be silent and not lift our voice in hopeful anticipation of His presence in our lives. But I refuse to listen to the lies of the enemy; I know in whom I believe and He has invited me to communicate with Him through the power of prayer. Let us be faithful and continue to seek the face of God. Our nation needs intercessors who will stand in the gap and make up the hedge and in this process of prayer God will hear and send revival to our lives, revival to our families, revival to our churches, and revival to our nation. Do not be discouraged, lift your voice and cry aloud to God. He will hear and He will respond!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Where is Your Confidence?

During this past Presidential election much was said about "change." In many ways both of the candidates spoke about the need for change in America and that they would be able to "restore the confidence" of the American people. I for one am praying for President Obama; not out of duty only but out of a sincere desire to see him succeed as he leads this nation at a very difficult time in our history. But I make that statement fully realizing that my true confidence is not in man or any political party; my hope and confidence is in God and His ability to fulfill His promises. Political parties and political leaders have the ability to fail; yet we understand that God can not lie and He will not fail to lead us in the right direction if we will be willing to follow His leadership. Last night during the revival service in Hamilton the Lord brought this scripture passage to my heart. Hebrews 13:5-6,"Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, I will never leave you nor forsake you. So we may boldly say, the Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?" (NKJV). Because of the promise of God's presence in our lives we can boldly declare that the "Lord is our helper." We can place our confidence in the promise that God will not leave us or forsake us; He will not abandon us regardless of the trials that may come in our lives. We can rest in the promises of our God. Do not be deceived by the abilities of men; their abilities and talents are temporal and limited. The power and ability of God is unlimited and it is eternal. Examine your heart today and make sure that you are placing your confidence in God and His presence. The meeting at Hamilton was a great source of blessing and encouragement. The altar was full of people last evening who were willing to surrender their weakness for God's strength; they were willing to surrender their defeats for His victories; and they were willing to lay aside their sins for His forgiveness. It was a great honor to be with Pastor Terry and Patsy Gann. God is using them to lead the Hamilton church into a deeper journey with God.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Presence of God

In recent years much has been written about our need for the presence of God. I am fully aware of our need to enter into the presence of God and we certainly need to sense His presence in our personal relationship and in our times of corporate and personal worship. But why do we need His presence and why should we seek His presence? As I was praying this morning the Lord dropped this nugget of inspiration in my heart; in His presence I am able to receive the power of transformation. After all, is that not the true purpose of my interaction with God? Does He not desire to transform/change me into the image that will more fully reflect His Spirit at work in my life? I need to possess a true hunger for His presence to say the least but I also must realize the desire of God for my life as I enter His presence. God desires to shape, mold, and form me into the person that will will bring glory and honor to the One who has created me in His image and likeness. As you enter His presence throughout this day and the rest of the days of your life be willing to release yourself into His loving care, His loving guidance, His loving correction, and into His loving process of spiritual maturity. Oh, what great transformation awaits us as we seek to draw near to His heart and His desire for our lives. I am excited about my journey with God. How is your journey with God? Take a moment and re-commit yourself to the process of transformation that God has designed for all of us. The service last night at Hamilton was great. Several of the youth group were in the altar as well as parents who were seeking to allow God to surround them in their time of need, challenge, struggle and decisions. Rest assured that God is not moving away from you today but He is moving toward you; He is ready to embrace you with His love and grace so that you can finish your race of life in a successful manner. Trust Him today and watch Him work in your life.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Word of God

During the service last night the Lord reminded all of us of the importance of the Word of God. Our lives must be built upon the promises and strength of the Word of God. God is looking for people who will not only listen to what the Word is declaring to them but they must also be willing to put into practice the revelation of that Word. Am I truly willing to obey what is being declared in my life? Am I willing to put into practice those Biblical principles that will lead to transformation in my walk with God. Oh how I desire to be transformed into the image of Christ; I want my life to be enriched by the Word and I desire for God to deposit the Word in my heart so that it will perform its purpose in my life. I want to re-develop a strong desire to understand and practice that which God is saying. NOTE: Read Matthew 7:24-29. Today has been an unique day in the history of America. We were able to witness the first African/American being sworn in as our 44th President. Many of us have seen great changes take place in our nation during our lifetime. I am sure that in many ways we still have room for progress but on this significant day we can take a moment and recognize the opportunities that God has placed before us as Americans. We must not forget God; we must remember the manifold blessings that God has provided for us and to us. Let us pray for President Obama; he and his cabinet need the direction of God as they lead this nation at this challenging and difficult hour. My hope is in the strength of the Lord God Almighty!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Weekend Review

The services at the Hamilton, Alabama church went very well this past weekend. Truly the presence of the Lord was evident in the times of worship and prayer. God touched the lives of many people as they come forward for prayer; needs were met as people surrendered their lives to God and sought Him for direction. I am convinced that God is prepared to reveal His presence if we will trust in Him and seek after Him with all of our hearts. I want to be one of those who looks to God for divine inspiration and divine transformation. As we look to the future we are being challenged to trust in God. But we can only trust in God for tomorrow based on our confidence in God for what He is doing presently in our lives. We can remember our past experiences with God and we can anticipate Him meeting our needs in the future; but we are being called to walk in the promise of His daily presence and provision. We are sensing the strength of God and His fresh revelation. Do not grow comfortable with the status quo; look to Him with fresh desire and passion knowing that God is the One that we can trust. He is our present help and I emphasize the word "present." God is present at this very moment prepared to work in our lives.

Friday, January 16, 2009


We need to remember that the enemy seeks to hinder our walk with Christ through the spirit of confusion. Confusion can arise in marriages, in families, and even in local churches. We must seek to defeat this spirit through our desire to draw near to God. Is it possible that confusion begins when we stop desiring what God wants for our lives? It is so easy to drift off into a spirit of selfishness which places my desires above the plan and will of God that is revealed in His Word. How do I change directions and avoid taking the road of confusion? First, I begin to read His Word and meditate on the direction for my life that He has placed in the Word. Second, I begin to re-focus my thoughts on Him. I remind myself of His love, care, interest and concern that He has exhibited toward me. Third, I begin to pray. I do not begin by asking for more "things" from God; no, I begin by seeking for a deeper revelation of His presence in my life as well as a stronger relationship with Him. I also begin to ask Him for wisdom so that I can make the right choices when the tough decisions of life confront me. It is during these times that I will recognize the depth of God's love for me as an individual member of His family. Much of our confusion will clear up when we view the world from God's perspective.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Hebrews 10

Our world is one in which there is much confusion, anxiety, and uncertainty; this would be on the individual as well as collective level. But we understand from the Bible that God is not the author of confusion. He desires to bring rest, peace, and calmness in the midst of the storms and challenges of life. The Spirit gives strong encouragement through today's passage found in Hebrews 10:23, "Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise" (NLT). Confusion comes when we waver, or it can cause you to waver when you are are uncertain about which road to take. But you will be hopelessly confused if you don't even know what you are looking for at the end of the road. If you take the Word of God as your compass for life; you will at least be certain about what road not to take. This is a day in which we need to make the right choice with regards to the road that we will travel. God is calling for all of us to remember that He is still "the way, the truth, and the life." We can feel safe when we follow His leading and we can feel secure when we know that He is in charge of our lives and nothing about us escapes His attention! The meeting at Hazel Green was a great blessing. The Spirit challenged our hearts each evening. What will we do with what we have heard; that is the question that all of us must answer with regards to our walk with God. We must put into practice the revelation of His truth so that our lives can mature into a deeper passionate love relationship with Christ. Oh, that I may know Him in a more intimate relationship which will lead me to love Him with all of my heart, soul, mind, and passion. Thank you Pastor St. Clair and Hazel Green church for such a wonderful welcome into the local body of believers.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Acts 20

The service last night was very challenging; the Spirit reminded us that there are all types of forces which seek to interfere in our fulfilling our purpose from God. Some of these are demonically imposed while some of these are self-imposed. Our view of ourselves will either lead us to the life of success or our view will lead us to the chasm of failure and defeat. I firmly believe that Christ came to break the curse of satan and that we are able to walk in victory based on the provision that Christ made for us at Calvary when He died on the cross. But the choice to succeed or fail lies in the sphere of my ability to believe and receive the blessings of Christ into my life. Each and every day I sense a greater desire in my heart to fulfill the purpose that God has intended for my life. I can only present myself to Christ so that He can take me and mold me into His pre-determined design. God has a plan and it becomes my responsibility to follow that plan. Pay close attention to our scripture for today; Acts 20:24, "My life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned to me by the Lord Jesus--the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God. " (NLT) What a wonderful opportunity that God has given me; He has called me to join Him in the process of spreading the Good News to people who are in need of hope and direction. Oh God, help me remain focused on my responsibility to obey You and to surrender my life to Your direction. Always remember; God has called you to succeed and not to fail in your walk with Him. Rebuke the spirit of failure in the name of Jesus; make a conscious decision that you are going to follow Christ and watch Him manifest His presence in your life.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Psalm 42

The first two verses of Psalm 42 were brought to my attention during prayer and study time this morning. I want to remind you of what the Spirit said through the Psalmist; "As the deer pants for streams of water, so I long for you, O God. I thirst for God, the living God. When can I come and stand before Him?" (NLT) As I wrote that passage I was reminded of the action words that were being used by the writer. The words "pants, long for you, thirst, come and stand." Each of these words and phrases leave us with the idea that there needs to be a desire flowing out of our hearts. Over the past years, I have spoken much about passion, fervency, intimacy and surrender to God. But I am convinced that this is the call from God; this is the hour in which the people of God must move from passivity into an active response to God where we put into action those spiritual desires that God is placing in our hearts. In come cases these are new desires that we sense and in some cases He is simply re-awakening those desires which have become dormant in our walk with God. In either case, I desire to respond to God in the appropriate manner and allow Him to draw me into deeper fellowship with Him. The service last night was powerful. The Word of God was given free course in the lives of those who were in attendance and I truly believe that there were eternal changes that took place in the lives of those who sought after the presence of God. It becomes our responsibility to walk in the strength of what God reveals, declares, and releases in our lives. God will provide but we must walk by faith into the promises of God. I look forward to another outpouring of the Spirit in tonight's service.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Weekend Review

The services in Hazel Green, Alabama went very well on Sunday. Pastor St. Clair and the local church offered me a warm welcome back to the church. I was here one year ago in revival services; this is also the second church that Ann and I served as Pastors during the early years of our ministry. This local church gave us the opportunity to grow and mature in our journey with God; as a matter of fact some of the youth and children that were here during our Pastorate are now leaders in the local body. I am honored to be able to serve them this week and I have a burning desire to share those things which will glorify God and edify the local body of believers. This passage of scripture was in my daily reading today and it confirmed a thought that I received during prayer this morning. Philippians 4:13, "I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength" (NLT). Many of us battle the fear of failure; we are always afraid that we will not be able to please God with our lives and then usually we go on to list the reasons that we will fail. But I have come to share some good news, God has not planned for your failure; He has planned for you and me to succeed. But our trust is not in our power or ability but our trust is in the strength that God will provide through our on-going relationship with Jesus Christ. He is our STRENGTH! Our confidence can not come from our abilities but it comes from the inner assurance that God is by our side, making His power and wisdom available to you and working out His purpose for your life. When you begin to lose confidence in God, go to His promises in the Bible and allow the Word to reassure you regarding His presence and power. Today, take a moment and remember the promises that He has already fulfilled in your life and allow these memories to encourage you to continue your journey of faith and surrender. Let us continue to pray, fast, and seek after more of God's presence as we continue our journey into 2009.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Scripture Reading

Psalm 32:8, "The LORD says, I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you." Many of us can remember the television commercial concerning the E.F. Hutton company. The punchline of the advertisement said; "When E.F. Hutton speaks, people listen." Is that true when we hear God speak to us through His Word, through the impressions and directions that He places in our lives, or through the encouraging words of others? The first three words of the passage drew my attention this morning; "The Lord says..." We are blessed that we can place our confidence in God who is speaking the words to us. Words are only as good as the ability/power of the one who is speaking the words. The Lord says, "I will guide you along the best pathway for your life." We can feel confident that God has the ability to accomplish that promise in our lives. God assumes that responsibility to provide guidance if I will truly recognize Him as the Guide of my life. God is not just a map; He is the Guide. The guide not only shows you the path to travel but you follow the guide as he leads the way. 2009 will require us to follow the Guide even when we are unsure of the path. Remember the Words of the Lord, "I will guide you along the best pathway for your life." Let us resolve to commit ourselves to him today and invite Him to be the Guide of our journey!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Fear or Anticipation

We are completing the first week of 2009. Some of us are still trying to recover from the challenges that we faced in 2008 and it is difficult for us to anticipate much good happening in 2009. But I have come with some good news; you and me do not have to be trapped by fear, we can walk in the anticipation and knowledge that God is with us on our journey. Listen to the words of this passage; Hebrews 13:5, "Stay away from the love of money, be satisfied with what you have. For God has said, I will never fail you. I will never forsake you." (NLT) WOW, what a promise from God Himself; He will not fail neither will He walk away from us. I write these words to encourage those of you who are facing mountains of circumstances in your life that seems impossible to overcome. There comes a time in our lives in which we must seek to trade our fears for faith in God. Fear doesn't respect anyone. Fear touches all ages. Fear is acquainted with every walk of life. Fear can be destructive and paralyzing. Fear can bring torment to our lives. But faith can bring us into the calm assurance that God is with us regardless of the storms that may be swirling around our lives. Take a moment, lift your heart to God and say this prayer from the depth of your soul. "Dear God, I trade my fear for your promises. I trade my doubt for faith. I trade my weakness for Your strength. I trade my concerns for Your hope. In the name of Jesus, AMEN! It was a pleasure being with Pastor Wheat and the Harvest Church this week. Truly the presence of the Lord was in the services each evening and I am convinced that God deposited much in all of our lives. Thank you Harvest church for such a warm welcome and thank you Holy Spirit for such powerful unction and anointing. Thank you Holy Spirit for the response of the people who were hungry to seek after the face of God.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Reminder from God!

The meetings at Harvest church continue to go well. The Word of the Lord continues to challenge all of us. The Word of the Lord is examining and exploring our passion and desire for a growing, maturing relationship with Jesus Christ. How will I respond to the "investigation and examination" of the Spirit? My response will determine whether I (you) walk in victory or defeat. These are the days in which we need to seriously pay attention to the conviction of the Spirit in our lives; we can not afford to pass the "spiritual buck" to someone else in the body of Christ. I came across this information concerning G.K. Chesterton. Years ago, when reading an editor's request for readers to respond to the question, "What's wrong with the world?" G.K. Chesterton wrote this reply, "Dear Sir, I am. Yours Sincerely, G.K. Chesterton. Today we need to take responsibility, be courageous, stand strong, and move forward! We must stop waiting on others to move forward in their relationship with God; this is our day and our time to obey the call from God. During prayer the Lord reminded me that I can only bring myself to the altar of sacrifice and surrender. I can pray for others but they must make the right choice to surrender to the leading of the Spirit. I must continue to pray but I also must continue to make myself available to God at the altar of surrender.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Scripture Reading

During the first few days of 2009 the Lord is challenging me regarding the intensity of my passion for Him and my relationship with Him. Many of us know the right words to say, the right songs to sing and even the right prayers to pray but do we truly possess a great desire to do the will of God? Do we possess determination to pursue the Kingdom of God regardless of the decisions that we have to make? Are we truly determined to follow the Lord with strong desire and passion or have we grown content to go through the motions of religious actions and religious activity? At the end of the service last night one of the men of the Harvest Church came forward and shared with me those things that God had placed in his heart as he entered 2009. One of those things was "spiritual intensity." Do I (we) possess spiritual intensity for the true purposes of God? During my devotional time this morning the Lord placed this passage in my path of reading; Isaiah 50:7, "Because the Sovereign Lord helps me, I will not be dismayed. Therefore, I have set my face like a stone, determined to do His will. And I know that I will triumph" (NLT). The prophet not only expresses praise and thankfulness to God he also expresses desire, determination, and commitment to follow the plan of God. As we begin 2009, let us place determination and commitment at the top of our list and ask God to help us "set our face like a stone" as we seek to walk in the will of God. Do not allow the distractions of the world to hinder your desire to please God.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Weekend Review

Isaiah 41:10, "Don't be afraid, for I am with you. Don't be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand" (NLT). After prayer time this morning the Lord led me to this passage; during prayer I was reminded that there are many voices vying for my attention. But I must remain committed to follow the leading of the Spirit. He will provide strength, help, and victory if I will trust in Him and in the promises of His Word. Do not allow the "things" of the world to overwhelm you and discourage you; look to the Lord and trust in His provision. He will provide His presence if we will release our faith. Faith will welcome His presence and His presence will provide the courage that we need. The weekend services at Harvest were awesome. The anointing of the Spirit was strong as the Word of God was revealed, declared and received by those in attendance. Pastor Wheat is leading the people into a deeper desire of His presence and encouraging them to seek after more of the Lord. Would you say a prayer for Pastor Wheat's wife, Lila; she continues to deal with some health issues. I anticipate an overflowing of the Spirit tonight as we press into a closer journey with God. He is ready to respond if I offer myself to Him as a diligent seeker of His life and guidance. 2009 must be a year that all believers lay aside pretense and hypocrisy and seek God with all of their heart. I am committed to seeking God and I ask you to make that same commitment with us. Continue to pray and fast during this first week of 2009. God will reward those who diligently seek after Him.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Continue to Pray

I want to encourage you to be faithful in prayer as we press into this new year of seeking after God. These are not the days to grow faint or discouraged but we must continue to persevere in prayer as we see the fields of harvest all around us. People are depending on our prayers and God is prepared to hear the cry of our hearts. We are looking forward to being with Pastor Wheat and the Harvest church this week in revival. I truly sense a stirring in my spirit as I prepare my heart for the services. I am trusting that God is prepared to meet the needs of those who will respond to the call of the Spirit in the altar meetings. Will you join with me in prayer for the upcoming revival meetings? God has great plans for those who are prepared to love Him and serve Him with all of their heart.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Romans 13

My heart continues to reflect on the passage in Romans 13. Do I truly sense the urgency of the time in which we are living? Am I fully convinced that I can no longer afford to live the Christian life without more passion and love for God? Do I truly sense that God is speaking light and life in the midst of the spiritual darkness that is seeking to not only engulf the world but even engulf my walk with God? Will I truly allow God to awaken my heart out of a "normal blase" approach to my relationship with Him in such a manner that it will place a great desire in my life to truly see the Kingdom of God come and the will of God be done in this earth? Romans 13 calls for me to "wake up." Romans 13 reminds me not "to live in darkness." Romans 13 challenges me to "get rid of evil deeds." Romans 13 directs me to "clothe yourselves with the armor of right living, as those who live in the light." (NLT) Will I listen to His voice and follow Him in 2009? During the next 21 days of Prayer and Fasting allow the Holy Spirit to sow these principles deep into our hearts and allow His Spirit to encourage us to put on the whole armor of God.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

The beginning of 2009 will be filled with opportunities to follow God in obedience and surrender. As we approach this new year let us approach it with a desire to please the Lord in all that we do. Let us ask God to direct our hearts so that we will make the correct decisions that will confront us. Let us walk by faith and not by sight. Let us trust in the promises of God and rely upon His might and power to guide us down the path of our lives. Let us also live in the recognition of the coming of the Lord and encourage others to make their commitment to Christ. Pay close attention to this passage of scripture found in Romans 13:11-12, 14. In a New Year's Eve service last night Pastor Smith made reference to a portion of this and this morning the Lord awakened me with this passage on my heart. "Another reason for right living is that you know how late it is; time is running out. Wake up, for the coming of our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. The night is almost gone; the day of salvation will soon be here. So don't live in darkness. Get rid of your evil deeds. Shed them like dirty clothes. Clothe yourselves with the armor of right living, as those who live in the light. But let the Lord Jesus Christ take control of you, and don't think of ways to indulge your evil desires. (NLT) This scripture passage offers a great challenge to all of us. Let us seek to serve God with all of our heart and desires. Don't forget to participate in some manner in Prayer and Fasting during January 1-21, 2009. Let these days be set aside to seek after God and His direction for our lives. I am convinced that God will bless the efforts that you make as you desire to connect with the heart of God. We will be agreeing with you in prayer for the needs that are in your life. Feel free to email those requests to us; we will add them to our prayer list. There is power in agreement. Just place Prayer Request in the subject box so that we will identify the email.