Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Presence of God

In recent years much has been written about our need for the presence of God. I am fully aware of our need to enter into the presence of God and we certainly need to sense His presence in our personal relationship and in our times of corporate and personal worship. But why do we need His presence and why should we seek His presence? As I was praying this morning the Lord dropped this nugget of inspiration in my heart; in His presence I am able to receive the power of transformation. After all, is that not the true purpose of my interaction with God? Does He not desire to transform/change me into the image that will more fully reflect His Spirit at work in my life? I need to possess a true hunger for His presence to say the least but I also must realize the desire of God for my life as I enter His presence. God desires to shape, mold, and form me into the person that will will bring glory and honor to the One who has created me in His image and likeness. As you enter His presence throughout this day and the rest of the days of your life be willing to release yourself into His loving care, His loving guidance, His loving correction, and into His loving process of spiritual maturity. Oh, what great transformation awaits us as we seek to draw near to His heart and His desire for our lives. I am excited about my journey with God. How is your journey with God? Take a moment and re-commit yourself to the process of transformation that God has designed for all of us. The service last night at Hamilton was great. Several of the youth group were in the altar as well as parents who were seeking to allow God to surround them in their time of need, challenge, struggle and decisions. Rest assured that God is not moving away from you today but He is moving toward you; He is ready to embrace you with His love and grace so that you can finish your race of life in a successful manner. Trust Him today and watch Him work in your life.

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