Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Reminder from God!

The meetings at Harvest church continue to go well. The Word of the Lord continues to challenge all of us. The Word of the Lord is examining and exploring our passion and desire for a growing, maturing relationship with Jesus Christ. How will I respond to the "investigation and examination" of the Spirit? My response will determine whether I (you) walk in victory or defeat. These are the days in which we need to seriously pay attention to the conviction of the Spirit in our lives; we can not afford to pass the "spiritual buck" to someone else in the body of Christ. I came across this information concerning G.K. Chesterton. Years ago, when reading an editor's request for readers to respond to the question, "What's wrong with the world?" G.K. Chesterton wrote this reply, "Dear Sir, I am. Yours Sincerely, G.K. Chesterton. Today we need to take responsibility, be courageous, stand strong, and move forward! We must stop waiting on others to move forward in their relationship with God; this is our day and our time to obey the call from God. During prayer the Lord reminded me that I can only bring myself to the altar of sacrifice and surrender. I can pray for others but they must make the right choice to surrender to the leading of the Spirit. I must continue to pray but I also must continue to make myself available to God at the altar of surrender.

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