Friday, January 23, 2009


First of all today, I want to offer praise and thanksgiving to God for the safe return of our nephew from Iraq. Derek arrived at Fort Hood earlier this week from his deployment. Due to family events Derek seems more like a grandson than he does a nephew; we are proud of his service to our nation and we are glad that God kept His hand on Derek and the other soldiers in his company. I am still praying and I urge you to continue praying for our military personnel and their families. Each of these men and women are making a great sacrifice so that we can enjoy our freedom in America. May God's blessings be upon our troops and their families. We should never take for granted our freedom and the price that has been and continues to be paid for that freedom. Psalm 91:14-15a, "The Lord says, I will rescue those who love me, I will protect those who trust in my name. When they call on me, I will answer..." (NLT). I have stated this often but it is worthy to be mentioned again, "The promises of God are true"; God does respond to His people when they call on Him. In every meeting that I conduct I am always encouraging people to lift their voices and cry out to God in prayer. Our adversary does not want us praying; our adversary wants us to be silent and not lift our voice in hopeful anticipation of His presence in our lives. But I refuse to listen to the lies of the enemy; I know in whom I believe and He has invited me to communicate with Him through the power of prayer. Let us be faithful and continue to seek the face of God. Our nation needs intercessors who will stand in the gap and make up the hedge and in this process of prayer God will hear and send revival to our lives, revival to our families, revival to our churches, and revival to our nation. Do not be discouraged, lift your voice and cry aloud to God. He will hear and He will respond!

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